Chairmen: Aleshin N.P., Gorkunov E.S., Migoun N.P.
Chairmen: Bakunov A.S., Gorkunov E.S., Dobmann G. |
Chairmen: Efimov A.G., Fedosenko Yu.K., Scherbinin V.E. |
Chairmen: Aleshin N.P., Bulavinov A.N., Samokrutov A.A., Shevaldykin V.G |
Chairmen: Artemiev B.V., Ewert U., Heidt H., Pak A.E |
Chairmen: Filinov M.V., Vavilov V.P., Koh M. |
Chairmen: Filinov M.V., Ivankov A.F., Sazhin S.G |
Chairmen: Ivanov V.I., Kharebov V.G., Vahaviolos S.G., Shemyakin V.V. |
Chairmen: Balitskiy F. Ya., Mitchell J.S., Zasetskiy D.V., Zusman G.V |
Chairmen: Chakhlov S.V., Gorshkov V.A., Vainberg E.I., Vengrinovich V.L. |
Chairmen: Martynov S.A., Grum J., Gurvich A.K., Turobov B.V., Pomerantsev D. |
Chairmen: Barbian O., Detkov A.Yu., Klyuev Z.V., Kovalenko A.N., Zaritskiy S.P |
Chairmen: Bukley A.A., Lunin V.P., Scherbinskiy V.G., Pak A.E |
Chairmen: Turobov B.V., Bobrov V.A |
Chairmen: Budadin O.N., Bakunov A.S., Viggenhauser H., Eremin K.I., Skatov N.P
Chairmen: Kovalev A.V., Krstelj V., Pushkina I.Yu.
Chairmen: Bobrov V.T., Osipov V.I., Rozlovenco S.G.
Chairmen: Mitenkov F. M., Makhutov N.A |
Chairmen: Vopilkin A.Kh., Mishakin V.V., Makhutov N.A., Konnov V.V. |
Chairmen: Bobrov V.T., Rozlovenco S.G., Murashov V.V |
Chairmen: Matveev V.I., Ananyan M.A., Migoun N.P., Klimenov V.A |
Chairmen: Balitskiy F.I., Kazhys R.Yu., Lebedev M.B. |
Chairmen: Lunin V.P., Vengrinovich V.L., Benoist P., Ruediger G.
Chairmen: Scherbinin V.E., Mullin A.V., Biryukova N.P. |
Chairmen: Biryukova N.P., Volkova N.N., Batov G.P., Kaps U., Thompson J. |
Chairmen: Muravskaya N.P., Uglov A.L., Mullin A.V. |
Chairmen: Babadjanov H.S., Mullin A.V., Muravskaya N.P., Birukova N.P
Chairmen: Vukelich S.I., Kropas-Hughes C. |

1. Alferov Zh.I. Nanotechnologies and Nanodiagnostics (Russia) | | |
2. Krstelj V. EFNDT Positioning in European Quality Infrastructure (Croatia) | abstracts | |
3. Makhutov N.A. Diagnostics of Object State and Monitoring of Risks during Implementation of Large-Scale Projects (Russia) | abstracts | |
4. Farley J.M. ICNDT Activities in the Field of International NDT Certification (United Kingdom) | abstracts | |
5. Ewert U., Redmer B. Prospects of Mobile Computed Tomography (Germany) | abstracts | |
5. Vavilov V. Thermal Non-Destructive Testing: Short History, State-of-the-Art and Trends (Russia) | abstracts | report |
Chairmen: Aleshin N.P., Gorkunov E.S., Migoun N.P. |
SECTION 1.1. Magnetic Methods Chairmen: Bakunov A.S., Gorkunov E.S., Dobmann G. |

1.1.1. Dobmann G. Physical Basics and Industrial Applications of 3ma – Micromagnetic Multiparameter Microstructure And Stress Analysis (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.1.2. Deutsch A.K.W., Weber W., Bartholomai F., Herkenrath D. Parameter Storage for Complex Magnetic Particle Testing Machines (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.1.3. Yelbay I., Cam I., Gur H. Prediction of Surface Residual Stresses in Butt-Welded Steel Plates by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Analysis (Turkey) | abstracts | report |
1.1.4. Gorkunov E.S., Zadvorkin S.Рњ., Yakushenko Р•.I., Mushnikov Рђ.N. Evaluation of Mechanical Stresses in Structural Steels by Distribution of Critical Magnetic Fields (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.5. Martinez-de-Guerenu A., Gurruchaga K., Arizti F. Assessment of Microstructure and Texture Evolution during Recovery and Recrystallization by Magnetic Methods (Spain) | abstracts | |
1.1.6. Sherbinin V.E. Magnetic Methods of Steel Pipes Testing in the Process of their Production and Exploitation (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.1.7. Sandomirsky S.G. Increase in Sensitivity of Residual Magnetisation to Structure of Products Made of Ferromagnetic Materials (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.8. Panin V.I., Shulatov Рђ.V. Control of Welded Joints Heat Treatment Quality by Stray Magnetic Fields (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.1.9. Bezlyudko G.Ya., Yolkina Ye.I., Solomakha R.N., Popov B.Ye. Coercivity Metering as the Basic Method of a Non-Destructive Testing of Fatigue and as the Priority Method in the Diagnostic Set (Russia, Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.1.10. Vengrinovich V.L., Busco V.N. New Approach to Fatigue Damage Evaluation via Barkhausen Noise (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.11. Riess N., Ivankov A., Singayevskaya T. Stationary and Рњobile Рњagnetic Particle Testing by the Example of Pipes and Railway Wheels Inspection (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.1.12. Shelikhov G.S. Modern Magnetic Particle Flaw Detectors (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.1.13. Kolokolnikov S., Dubov An. Totals of the Metal Magnetic Memory Method Introduction in Russia, Poland and Other Countries (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.14. Mitra A., Mohapatra J.N., Panda A.K. Creep Damage Evaluation of CR-MO Steel by Magnetic NDE Techniques (India) | abstracts | |
1.1.15. Sarkar P., Pal S.K., Roy R.K., Panda A.K., Mitra A. Giant Рњagneto-Impedance Behaviour of a Nanostructured Material for Application in NDE Based Sensing Device (India) | abstracts | |
1.1.16. Tsukada K., Hasegawa T., Yoshioka M., Kiwa T., Inoue K. Extreme Low Frequency Magnetic Imagining Method for Detection of Defect Inside Welding Parts of Iron Plate (Japan) | abstracts | report |
1.1.17. Bakunov Рђ.S., Kudryavtsev D.Рђ., Zagidulin R.V. Software-Hardware Complex for Automatic Recognition of Continuity Defects during Magnetic Particle Testing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.18. Slesarev D.A., Barat V.A. Statistical Diagnostic Model for Defect Parameters Reconstruction in MFL Non-Destructive Testing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.19. Halchenko Y.Ya., Ostapuschenko D.L., Vorobyov M.A. Numerical Investigation of Local Circular Magnetization of Round Rolled Metal in Magnetic Testing (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.1.20. Gorkunov E.S, Mitropolskaya S.Yu., Mushnikov Рђ.N. Magnetic Testing of Stresses and Strains in Areas of Structural Heterogeneities in Steel Articles (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.21. Sandomirsky S.G. Magnetic Testing of Structure of the Cast-Iron Products: Possibilities and Results (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.22. Bezlyudko G.Ya., Zakharov V.A., Solomakha R.N. Coercimeters with a Movable (Rolling) Sensor (Russia, Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.1.23. Tarasenkov G.A. Specific Vamgentic Energy of Material as Parameter for Selection of Method of Magnetic Particle Testing (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.1.24. Gorkunov E.S. Relation of the Magnetic Properties of Control-Rolled Pipe Steel to its Structural Anisotropy, Internal Stresses and Damage (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.25. Potapov A.I., Syasko V.A., Ivkin A.E. Optimization of a Design and Parameters Geometrically Similar Magneto-Inductive Transducers with the External Ferromagnetic Cover with Use of a Method of Final Elements (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.26. Fedyukovich G.I. Development and Automation of NDT Magnetic Particle Technique (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.27. Sandomirsky S.G. Simple and Precise Interpolating Formulas for Calculating the Central Demagnetization Coefficient for Ferromagnetic Bodies (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.28. Slesarev D.A. Problems of Data Analysis Automation in MFL Nondestructive Testing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.29. Canova A., Ficili F., Rossi D., Sciacca F., Vusini B. Innovative Magneto-Inductive Systems for Metallic Ropes (Italy) | abstracts |
1.1.30. Matyuk V., Osipov A., Piunov V. Magnetic Testing of Mechanical Properties Microalloyed Hardened Cold-Rolled Sheet Steels after Annealing (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.31. Lukhvich A.A., Bulatov O.V., Lukyanov A.L., Polonevich A.A. Thickness Measuring of Nickel Coatings on Steels with Various Magnetic Properties (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.32. Lukhvich A.A., Shukevich A.K., Kremenkova N.V., Lukyanov Рђ.L. Magneto-Dynamic Method of Separate Control of a Thickness of Double-Side Ceramic-Metal Coatings (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.33. Troitskiy V.A., Posypaiko Iu.M., Agalidi Yu.S., Leviy S.V. Magnetooptic Flaw Detection of Subsurface Layers of Ferromagnetic Products (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.1.34. Lukhvich A.A., Lukyanov A.L., Bulatov O.V., Polonevich A.A. The Magneto-Dynamic Method and Gauges for Two-Layer Coatings Testing (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.35. Matyuk V., Melgui M., Pinchukov D., Osipov A. Pulsed Magnetic Multiparameter Analyzer IMA-M (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.1.36. Gorkunov E.S. Application of Magnetic Methods for Structural-Phase Analysis and Evaluation of Article Service Life (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.37. Sandovskiy V.A., Uvarov A.I., Vildanova N.F., Anufrieva E.I., Filippov Yu.I. Effect of Structure of Nickel Alloys on their Magnetic Permeability Value (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.1.38. Matsulevich O.V., Kren A.P., Rudnitsky V.A. Device with Advanced Facilities for Non-Destructive Testing of Mechanical Properties of Concrete (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.2. ELECTROMAGNETIC METHODS Chairmen: Efimov A.G., Fedosenko Yu.K., Scherbinin V.E. |

1.2.1. Roes U., Jankowski D., Bureau J.F. Improvements in Eddy Current Technology (USA, Canada) | abstracts | |
1.2.2. РўrillРѕn A., Paul N., Girard A., Sirois F., Goussard Y., IdiРµr J. Regularized Р•ddСѓ Current Tomographic Reconstruction Based on Р° Finite Element Forward Model (France, Canada) | abstracts | report |
1.2.3. Fedosenko Yu.K. Modern Methods of Improvement of Efficiency and Trustworthiness of Flaw-Detection Eddy-Current Automated Online Testing of High-Volume Metal Products (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.2.4. Kozharinov Val.Vi., Kozharinov Vi.Val. Quality Control of Complex Structure Dielectric Materials by Non-Destructive Testing Electrodischarge Frequent Method (Latvia, Russia) | abstracts | |
1.2.5. Grimberg R., Udpa L., Savin A., Steigmann R., Andreescu A., Bruma A., Leitoiu S., Udpa S.S. Metamaterials – a Challenge for Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (Romania, USA) | abstracts | report |
1.2.6. Pineiro E., Vidal F., Mato J.L., Besteiro R., Varela R., Rodriguez M.J., Meizoso F. Defect Characterization in Tailor Welded Blanks Using an Eddy Current and Harmonic Flux Leakage Integration (Spain) | abstracts | report |
1.2.7. Mook G., Michel F., Simonin J., Rost P. Low Frequency Eddy Current Arrays with Video Clock (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.2.8. Santos T.G., Vilaca P., Rosado L., Piedade M., Ramos P.M. Developments in NDT of Friction Stir Welding Using Eddy Currents (Portugal) | abstracts | report |
1.2.9. Mook G., Simonin J. Eddy Current Tools for Education and Innovation (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.2.10. Efimov A.G., Shubochkin A.E. Expansion of Possibilities of Eddy-Current Detection Due to Application of Multi-Frequency Testing Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.2.11. Podmasteriev K.V., Pakholkin E.V., Mishin V.V. Methods of Electric Control Friction Pairs: Modern Achievements and Development Prospects (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.2.12. Sangirardi M., Carboni M. Application of Eddy Currents to the Estimation of Stress Corrosion Damage (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.2.13. Vengrinovich V.L., Dmitrovich D.V. Quantitative Evaluation of Bi-Axial Stress in Steels: Inverse Problem Solution (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.2.14. Marchand B., Decitre J., Zorni C., Casula O. Flexible and Array Eddy Current Probes for the Inspection of Complex Parts (France) | abstracts | report |
1.2.15. Uchanin V., Lutcenko G., Dshaganjan A., Nikonenko A. Eddy Current Inspection of Steel Castings with Roughly Finished Surfaces (Ukrain, Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.2.16. Paillard S., Skarlatos A., Pichenot G., Cattiaux G., Sollier T. Simulation of Eddy Current Testing of Steam Generator Tubes in the Proximity of Support Plates Quatrefoil-Shaped Holes with an Hybrid Finite FE-VIM Model (France) | abstracts | report |
1.2.17. Kashefi T.M., Sheikh A.M. Using Nondestructive Eddy Current Technique as a Tool for Quality Control of Carburized Steels (Iran) | abstracts | report |
1.2.18. Heingartner J., Born M., Hora P. Online Acquisition of Mechanical Material Properties of Sheet Metal for the Prediction of Product Quality by Eddy Current (Switzerland) | abstracts | report |
1.2.19. Uchanin V., Lutcenko G., Dshaganjan A., Opanasenko A. The Application of Eddy Current Section in Automated System for Combined Railway Rolling Stock Axles Inspection (Ukrain, Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.2.20. Merkulov A.I., Lavrov A.U., Merkulov B.A., Haliullina I.R. The Inductance of Matrix Eddy-Current Transducers Calculation of Movings (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.2.21. Tyupa I.V. The Calculation Model of EDT Signals for Superficial and Subsurface Cracks Control (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.2.22. Fedosenko Yu.K., Makhov V.Рњ. Study of Method for Testing Internal Layers of Ferromagnetic Objects and Development of an Instrument to Implement this Method Using Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.2.23. Makarov Рђ.V., Gorkunov E.S., Malygina I.Yu., Kogan L.Kh., Savrai R.Рђ., Osintseva Рђ.L. Eddy-Current Testing of Quality of Chrome-Nickel Coatings Produced during Gas-Powder Laser Cladding and Subsequent Stabilizing Annealing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.2.24. Grimberg R., Savin A., Bruma A., Steigmann R., Ruch M. Electromagnetic Evaluation of the Concentration of Hydrogen Diffused in Zirconium Alloy Used in PHWR (Romania, Argentina) | abstracts | report |
1.2.25. Gorkunov B.M. Calculation and Experimental Verification of Model of EDT (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.2.26. Martynov V.V., Trushakov D.V. Methods of Selection of Frequency for Electromagnetic Field of Eddy-Current Transformer with U-Type Core by its Interaction with a Tested Ferromagnetic Specimen (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.2.27. Klyuev S.V., Shkatov P.N. Combined Testing of Ferromagnetic Objects Based on Eddy-Current, Magnetic and Electric Potential Methods (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.2.28. Zatsepin N.N. Principles of Electromagnetic Computer Methods during Selective Measurement and Testing of Magnetic Parameters and Dimensions of Ferromagnetics (Belarus) | abstracts | |
1.2.29. Klyuev S.V. Eddy-Current Method of Selective Non-Destructive Testing of Geometrical, Electro-Physical and Thermal Parameters of Multi-Layer, Thin-Sheet Articles of “Metal-Dielectric” Type (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.3. ULTRASONIC METHODS Chairmen: Aleshin N.P., Bulavinov A.N., Samokrutov A.A., Shevaldykin V.G |

1.3.1. Aleshin N.P. Development Prospects of Acoustic Testing Methods (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.2. Nardoni G., Certo M., Nardoni P., Feroldi M., Nardoni D., Possenti L., Filosi A., Quetti S. Sizing the Height of Discontinuities, their Characterisation in Planar / Volumetric by Phased Array Technique Based on Diffracted Echoes (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.3.3. Nardoni G., Certo M., Nardoni P., Feroldi M., Nardoni D. TOFD, Phased Array Technique for the Detection of Small Transverse Crack in 300 mm Thickness Welds in CuMoVn steel (Italy) | abstracts | |
1.3.4. Jobst M., Conolly G.D. Demonstration of the Application of the Total Focusing Method to the Inspection of Steel Welds (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.5. Passi G. Testing Integrity of Manual Phased Array Ultrasonic Inspection (Israel) | abstracts | |
1.3.6. Samokrutov A.A., Shevaldykin V.G. Ultrasonic Tomography of Metals Using the Sampling Focus Method (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.7. Ruch V., Wilm M., Walter J., Fleury G., Poguet J., Dumas Ph. Investigation of 2D Matrix Array Possibilities, Challenges to be Solved for their Design and Characterisation (France) | abstracts | |
1.3.8. Carpentier C., Nageswaran Ch., Tse Y.Y. Evaluation of a New Аррrоасh for Thе Inspection of Austenitic Dissimilar Welds Using Ultrasonic Рhаsеd Array Тесhniquеs (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.3.9. Mazeika L., Kazys R., Maciulevicius A. Investigation of the Transducer Arrays for Long Range Ultrasonics (Lithuania) | abstracts | |
1.3.10. Smirnov A.N., Muraviev V.V., Folmer S.V., Ababkov N.V. Estimation of Structural-Phase Condition of Welded Joints by Spectral-Acoustic Method (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.11. Berke M., Renzel P. 3D Weld Visualization Using Manual Phased Array (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.12. Blanchet M.-A., Cotton K. Impact of Elements Sensitivity and Pulse Excitation on Phased Array Imaging (Canada) | abstracts | report |
1.3.13. Koehler B., Barth M., Bamberg J., Baron H.-U. Rayleigh Wave Velocity Dispersion for Characterization of Surface Treated Aero Engine Alloys (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.14. Moles M. Phased Arrays for General Weld Inspections (Canada)
| abstracts | report |
1.3.15. Le Ber L., Roy O., Reverdy F., Mahaut S. Application and Simulation of Advanced Ultrasonic Array Techniques (France) | abstracts | report |
1.3.16. Vopilkin A.Kh., Tikhonov D.S. Automated Ultrasonic Systems Development Technology for the Welded Joints and Main Metal Inspection (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.17. Wolfsgruber F., Schaefer Рќ., Mohr F., Boewe M., Eggers Рќ. UT-Inspection of thРµ CRDMH with an Optimized Phased Array Probe and thРµ Additional Determination of Ligaments with SAFT (Germany) | abstracts | |
1.3.18. Velichko A., Wilcox P.D. Quantitave Characterisation of Complex Defects Using Two-Dimensional Ultrasonic Arrays (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.3.19. Rosemeyer G., Lingenberg D. Testing of Hexagonal and Other Edge Profiled Materials by Using Ultrasonic Phased Array Probes Arranged Annularly (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.20. Amirkhorso M., Rashed G., Sodagar S. Development of Pipeline Girth Weld Inspection Using Ultrasonic Phased Arrays (Iran) | abstracts | |
1.3.21. Cegla F., Davies J. An SH Wave Array for Ultrasonic Crack Monitoring at High Temperatures (>500В°C) (United Kindom) | abstracts | |
1.3.22. Bulavinov A., Pinchuk R., Pudovikov S., Walte F., Reddy K.M. Industrial Application of Real-Time 3D Imaging by Sampling Phased Array (Germany, India) | abstracts | report |
1.3.23. Van den Bigellaar A., Deleye X., Chougrani K. Automated Evaluation for TOFD (Netherlands) | abstracts | report |
1.3.24. Bisiaux B., Guo X., Gerard P. Importance of Ultrasonic Testing in Addition to Encircling Eddy Current Testing for Condenser Tubes of Power Stations (France) | abstracts | report |
1.3.25. Casula O., Toullelan G., Roy O., Dumas Ph. Ultrasonic Inspection through Complex Surfaces with Flexible Arrays (France) | abstracts | report |
1.3.26. Maes G., Turgeon S., Reilly D. Recent Progress in Phased Array UT Inspection through Complex and Wavy Surfaces (Canada) | abstracts | report |
1.3.27. Deutsch A.K.W., Joswig M., Maxam K., Nitsche S., Vahe M., Pichard P., Deutsch S. Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing of Heavy-Wall Seamless Tubes by Means of a Testing Portal (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.28. Schenk G., Ploigt R., Dohse E., Bauer L., Deutsch A.K.W. Соmрas-XXL – а Novel Phased Array System with Extended Capabilities (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.29. Bisiaux B., Noel B., Nourrit N., Nitsche S. Application of 2D Arrays for Ultrasonic Tube Inspection (France) | abstracts | report |
1.3.30. Cawley P., Ma J. Long Range Guided Wave Inspection – Current Defect Sizing Capabilities and Future Prospects (United Kingdom) | abstracts | |
1.3.31. Evans M., Vogt T. Reliability of Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.3.32. Prager J., Hoever C., Brekow G., Kreutzbruck M. Flaw Detection with Guided WР°ves Using Phased Array Technique (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.33. Bertoncini F., Raugi M., Turcu F. 3D Characterization of Defects in Guided Wave Monitoring of Pipework Using a Magnetostrictive Sensor (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.3.34. Nardoni G., Certo M. Guided Wave Experience in the Requalification of the Heating Network of Brescia City (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.3.35. Volker A.W.F., Bloom J.G.P. Experimental Results of Guided Wave Travel Time Tomography (Netherlands) | abstracts | report |
1.3.36. Evans M., Vine K. Permanently Installed Transducers for Guided Wave Monitoring of Pipelines (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.3.37. Boynard C., Carvalho M., Real I., Montejano A.G., Perez S., Soto A. Used of Ultrasonic Guided Waves on Inspecting Heat Exchangers Made with Ferromagnetic Material Tubes (Spain, Portugal) | abstracts | |
1.3.38. Paton B.E., Troitskiy V.A., Bondarenko A.I. Method and Technology of Diagnostics of Pipeline Systems by Guided Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Waves | abstracts | report |
1.3.39. Bettayeb F. Inverse Problem for Material Analysis by Ultrasound (Algeria) | abstracts | |
1.3.40. Lane РЎ., Dunhill Рђ., Drinkwater Р’.W., Wilcox Р .D. Single Crystal Turbine Blade Inspection Using Р° 2D Ultrasonic Array (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.3.41. Budenkov G., Korobeynikova O., Strizhak V., Pryahin A. Technology and Equipment for Acoustic Testing the Extended Objects of Oil-Extracting Industry (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.42. Shcherbinskii V.G., Danilov V.N. Reflection of Linearly Polarized Shear Waves from the Statistically Rough Surface of Cracks (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.43. Rybitsky I., Karpash O., Yavorsky A., Karpash M. Non-Contact Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Measurement of Geometry Parameters of Metallic Structures (Ukraine)
| abstracts | report |
1.3.44. Pfeiffer H., Pitropakis I., Wevers M. The Use of Pseudo-Defects in Validation of Ultrasonic Structural-Health-Monitoring Technologies (Belgium) | abstracts | report |
1.3.45. Bondarenko A.I. Mechanism of Discontinuity Detection in Pipeliens by Ultrasonic Guided Waves (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.3.46. Bettayeb F. New Computer Aided Material Microstructure Characterization Method for Ultrasonic NDT (Algeria) | abstracts | |
1.3.47. Rheinfurth M., Doring D., Gehrig F., Solodov I., Busse G. Monitoring of Fatigue in Composites Using Air-Coupled Guided Waves (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.48. Volker A.W.F., Bloom J.G.P., Martina Q. UMASIS, an Analysis and Visualization Tool for Developing and Optimizing Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques (Netherlands) | abstracts | report |
1.3.49. Ballmann H., Schmeisser M., Bantle A., Vetterer R. Modularization of Electronics and Mechanics in Automatic Ultrasonic Material Testing Systems Presented in Practical Applications (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.50. Doring D., Siegmund F., Rheinfurth M., Solodov I., Busse G., Haberstroh E. Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Lamb Waves for Process Monitoring (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.51. Solodov I., Busse G. Nonlinear Ultrasonic NDT for Early Defect Recognition and Imaging (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.52. Karpelson A. Ultrasonic Testing and Flaw Characterization (Canada) | abstracts | report |
1.3.53. Bazulin A.E., Bazulin E.G., Kokolev S.A., Samarin P.F. Algorithms and Software Development for Welds Automated Ultrasonic Inspection Basing on Phased Arrays (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.54. Riahi M., Nazari H.R., Farahpour H. Subsurface Residual Stress Measurement in Friction Stir Welding Using the Critically Refracted Longitudinal (LCR) Ultrasonic Wave (Iran) | abstracts | |
1.3.55. Delannoy L., Hayes P. Manual Phased Array Ultrasonic Techniques for Pipe Weld Inspection in Nuclear Power Plants (France, USA) | abstracts | report |
1.3.56. Flanagan C., Moles M. Phased Arrays for Conventional Markets – the EPOCH 1000i (Canada) | abstracts | report |
1.3.57. Plateau M., Delaide M., Chardome V., Cruysweegs E., Cermak J., Leemans F. Advanced Method for Ultrasonic Probe Characterization (Belgium) | abstracts | report |
1.3.58. Bloom J.G.P., Stelwagen U., Volker A.W.F. POD Generator Project: a Numerical Assessment of the Inspection of Fatigue Cracks Using TOFD (Germany, Netherlands) | abstracts | report |
1.3.59. Coperet Ph. FAAST – Fast Automated Angle Scan Technique (France) | abstracts | |
1.3.60. Riahi M., Farahpour H., Ghadirian A. Bearing Raceway Surface Inspection via Ultrasonic spectroscopy (Iran) | abstracts | |
1.3.61. Panin V.I. on Comparability of Results of Echo-Pulse Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.62. Baev A.R., Mayorov A.l., Asadchaya M.V. Features of the Ultrasonic Waves Reflection from Inhomogeneous Boundary of Contacting Solids (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.3.63. Chen P.-K. The Application of Ultrasonic Testing for Coating Layer Bonding of Copper Mold (China) | abstracts | report |
1.3.64. Kleinert W., Oberdorfer Y., Splitt G. The Ideal Angle Beam Probe for DGS Evaluation (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.65. Schubert F., Lamek B. Fast Numerical Calculations of Transient 3-D Phased Array Wave Fields Based on Symmetry and Reciprocity Principles (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.66. Smirnov A.N., Muraviev V.V., Folmer S.V., Kozlov E.V., Koneva N.A., Bezrukov A.N. long-range Fields of Internal Stress and Estimation by Spectral-Acoustic Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.67. Bobrov V.Рў. Methods of Excitation, Features of Propagation and Fields of Application of Ultrasonic Normal Waves in Flaw Detection (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.68. Kachanov V.K., Sokolov I.V., Voronkova L.V., Kartashev V.G., Rodin A.B. Structural Noise as a Normative Parameter at the Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.69. Abbakumov K.E., Konovalov R.S., Britvin V.A. Informative Opportunities of Wave Processes at the Boundary of Solid Mediums in Conditions of Broken Acoustic Contact (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.70. Kitazawa S., Kono N., Baba A., Adachi Y., Odakura H. A Three-Dimensional Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Technique (Japan) | abstracts | report |
1.3.71. Murthy G.V.S., Sridhar G., Kumar A., Jaykumar T. C-Scan Ultrasonic Evaluation of Al/Ti Brazed Joint (India) | abstracts | report |
1.3.72. Baev A.R., Asadchaya M.V., Konovalov G.E. New Aspects of Excitation and Propagation of Subsurface Longitudinal and Transverse Waves (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.3.73. Peng J., Wang Li, Gao X., Wang Z., Zhao Q., Zhang Yu, Peng C., Yang K. The Design of Mobile Wheel Ultrasonic Inspection System Based on the Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology (China) | abstracts | report |
1.3.74. Shcherbakov O., Petrov A., Polevoy A., Annenkov A. Technologies and Equipment for Ultrasonic Testing of Welded Joints with Monitoring of Acoustic Contact and Evaluating the Nature and Actual Parameters of Defects (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.3.75. Starman S., Matz V. Real Implementation of Ultrasonic Phased Array Technology Using Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms (Czech Republic) | abstracts | report |
1.3.76. Gharaibeh Y., Mudge P., Balachandran W. Long Range Ultrasonic Testing for Industrial Applications (United Kingdom) | abstracts | |
1.3.77. Mihovski M., Mirchev Y., Chukachev P. Theoretical and Experimental Ultrasonic Investigation of General Corrosion and Erosion in Construction (Bulgaria) | abstracts | report |
1.3.78. Suchkov G.M., Kelin A.A. Testing of Products by Unidirectional Angle ema Transducer (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.3.79. Suchkov G.M., Nozdracheva E.L. Development of Long Length Items Testing Using Contact and Non-Contact Methods (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.3.80. Baksheev V.G., Panin V.I., Trotsenco V.P., Shulatov A.V. Modernized Reference Installation for Measuring and Reproduction of Amplitude of Ultrasonic Oscillations of Solid Body Surface and Electroacoustic Transformation Coefficient (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.81. Milmann B., Mielentz F., Krause M., Mayer K. Improvement of the Near-Field Resolution of Ultrasound Probes (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.82. Coperet Ph. E-Rota (France) | abstracts | report |
1.3.83. Ivanova Y., Mihovski M., Partalin T. Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Materials with Mechanical Stresses (Bulgaria) | abstracts | report |
1.3.84. Alekhin S.G. Directivity Diagram Analysis of Direct One-Element Longitudinal Wave EMA Transducer for Thickness Measurements (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.85. Voronkov V.A., Voronkov I.V. New Possibilities of Application of Dgs-Diagrams in Ultrasonic Inspection by Means of System “ARD-UNIVERSAL” (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.86. Volz U., Mrasek Рќ., Matthies K., Kreutzbruck Рњ. Visualization of Sound Propagation in Solids Using Electrodynamic Probes (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.3.87. Moreno E., Otero R., Rubio B., Galarza N., Otero J. Phase Velocity Method for Lamb Waves in Pulse Echoes (Spain, Venezuela, Cuba) | abstracts | report |
1.3.88. Razigraev A., Razigraev N., Bezlyudko G.Ya., Ponomarev S., Mihovski M., Mirchev Y. Modern Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Ultrasonic Thickness (Russia, Bulgaria) | abstracts | |
1.3.89. Malynka S.A. Combined Acousto-Magnetic Methods of Non-Destructive Testing as a New Quality of Flaw Detection and Expansion of the NDT Application Field (Ukraine) | abstracts | |
1.3.90. Patrakeev N.V., Potapov I.A., Potapov A.I., Makhov V.E. Features of software implementation of wireless technologies for acoustic analysis instruments (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.3.91. Liang J., Wang Z., Shi Y. Ultrasonic Inspection of Thick Parts with Phased Array Dynamic Focusing (China) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.4. RADIOLOGY AND RADIOGRAPHY METHODS Chairmen: Artemiev B.V., Ewert U., Heidt H., Pak A.E |

1.4.1. Oliveira D.F., Moreira E.V., Silva A.S.S., Rabello J.M.B., Lopes R.T., Pereira M.S., Zscherpel U. Application of the Digital Radiography in Weld Inspection of Gas and Oil Pipelines (Brazil, Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.2. Boiy L., Cuscino R. Advancements in Digital Radiography: CR, DR, and DICONDE (Belgium, USA) | abstracts | report |
1.4.3. Peterzol A., Duvauchelle P., Kaftandjian V., Ponard P. Feasibility Study of X-Ray Diffraction for a Portable Inspection System (France) | abstracts | report |
1.4.4. Pick L. Technical Highlights for Ndt Digital Radiography (X-Ray) Inspection (Israel) | abstracts | report |
1.4.5. Belkin D.S., Kapranov B.I. Investigation of Spatial-Time Characteristics of Radiation Detectors Backscattering from the Multichannel Collimator (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.6. Osterloh K., Zscherpel U., Jechow M., Fratzscher D., Wrobel N., Ewert U. X-Ray Backscatter Imaging with a Novel Twisted Slit Collimator (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.7. Beckmann J., Bar S., Jechow M., Zscherpel U., Ewert U. Image Quality Assessment of Cr Systems (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.8. Ewert U., Zscherpel U., Jechow M., Beckmann J., Bavendiek K. Two New Compensation Principles in Digital Industrial Radiology for Enhancement of Image Quality, Efficiency and Industrial Acceptance (Germany) | abstracts | |
1.4.9. Jaenisch G.-R., Ewert U., Jechow M. Scatter Radiation in Radiography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.10. Mathy F., Poidevin C., Cattiaux G., Sollier T. Radiographic Testing Simulation with CIVA-RX – Assessment on Representative Nuclear Components (France) | abstracts | report |
1.4.11. Osterloh K., Jechow M., Fratzscher D., Wrobel N., Zscherpel U., Ewert U., Bucherl Th., Tannert Th., Hasenstab A. Radiological Examination of Wood with Neutrons, Different Perspectives (Germany, Switzerland) | abstracts | report |
1.4.12. Herold F., Kramm P., Adamczak U. Automating the X-Ray Inspection (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.13. Tosti E. Digital Camera Usage in X-Ray Real Time Control of European Launcher’s Booster Segments (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.4.14. Gelever V.D., Manushkin A.A., Chakhlov S.V., Malyasov M.N. Development of X-Ray Microscopes of Submicron Resolution (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.4.15. Marinho C.A., Rebello J.M.A., Lopes R.T. Film Replacement by Digital Techniques Applied to Weld Inspection (Brazil) | abstracts | report |
1.4.16. Pincu R. Digital Radiography – Cutting Edge Technology in Daily NDT Use (Israel) | abstracts | report |
1.4.17. Burtzlaff S., Weber J., Freisinger M., Firsching M., Hassler U., Uhlmann N., Hanke R. Determination of the Spatial Resolved Relative Inner Surface Density by Using Orientation Angle Dependent X-Ray Refracted Beam Imaging (Germany) | abstracts | |
1.4.18. Sauerschnig M., Kiesel D. Advancing Productivity in Portable X-Ray Inspection (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.19. Soulez F., Crespy C., Duvauchelle P., Kaftandjian V. Spatial Super-Resolution for Line Parallel Imaging in Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction (France) | abstracts | report |
1.4.20. Belij N., Buchenskij V., Leshcishin A., Mikhailov S. Investigation of Relative Sensitivity X-Ray Television Systems on the Basis of High-Sensitivity CCD-Cameras and X-Ray Monocrystal Screens (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.4.21. Gilmore J., Orlov F. Choosing of the Right Microfocus X-Ray Source and Detectors (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.22. Jaenisch G.-R., Bellon C., Ewert U. Simulation Supported Reliability Analysis in Radiography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.23. Alekseychuk O., Fratzscher D., Zscherpel U., Ewert U. Design Practice of an Affordable Digital X-Ray Detector (Germany) | abstracts | |
1.4.24. Brunke O. Comparison Between X-Ray-Tube Based and Synchrotron Based ВµCT (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.25. Neubrand T. Automatic Measurements with Flexible Programmable X-Ray Image Evaluation Routines (Xe2) (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.26. Beyer A., Lux H., Wustenbecker M. Digital X-Ray Solutions for State-of-the Art Radioscopic Steel Pipe Inspection According to ISO 10893–07 (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.4.27. Zhukovskiy M., Skachkov M., Jaenisch G.-R., Bellon C., Deresch A. Monte Carlo Simulating the Electron Emission from Surfaces of Objects Being under Radiation (Germany, Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.28. Buklei А.А., Parshin I.А. Practical Results of “SKAT” X-Ray Testing Complex with Unilateral Access (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.4.29. Rebuffel V., Tabary J., Rheinlaender J. A Software Simulation Tool Dedicated to the Design and Evaluation of X-Ray Backscatter Systems (France, Denmark)
| abstracts | report |
1.4.30. Bogolyubov E.P., Mikerov V.I., Ozerov O.V. Scopes of Combined Application of Neutron and X-Ray Digital Radiography (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.4.31. Artemiev B.V., Potapov V.N. X-Ray Thickness Gauges Used for Thickness Monitoring of Roll Stock Products from Nonferrous Metals (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.32. Sumin V.V., Balagurov A.M., Bokuchava G.D., Papushkin I.V. Exploitation the Potentialities of Neutron Diffraction for Non-Destructive Testing of Constructive Materials (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.33. Oliveira M.D., Torre A.C. Methods Diffraction X-Ray and Technology Applied to Nondestructive Testing of Jet Engines (Brazil) | abstracts | |
1.4.34. Nardoni G., Nardoni P., Sotja E. Contrast Gradient Determination in Digital Radiography to Optimize the Capability in Defect Dedection (Italy, Albania) | abstracts | report |
1.4.35. Volkov V.G., Zrelov Yu.D., Kasyanov V.A., Filimonov A.A., Chakhlov V.L., Shtein M.M., Marjoribanks P. Small-Size Betatron for the Energy 2.5 MeV for Field Inspection (Russia, UK) | abstracts | report |
1.4.36. Boiko M.E. Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (Gisaxs) for Studying Superlattices in Optoelectronic Devices (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.4.37. Yamshchikov Y., Molchanov K. Electronic Components Non-Destructive Testing: Comparsion between Acoustic Microscopy and X-Ray Analysis (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.38. Chakhlov S.V., Lebedev M.B., Schetinkin S.A., Usachev E.Yu. Microelectronic Device Inspection System (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.39. Asadchikov V.E., Buzmakov A., Zolotov D. X-Ray Tomography: Form Micro to Nano (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.40. Gorshkov V.A., Rozhkova N.I., Prokopenko S.P. Dual-Energy Dividing Metod of the Early Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammography (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.41. Artemiev B.V., Potapov V.N. Multi-Electrode Heterogeneous Ionization Chambers for X-Ray Thickness Measurements (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.4.42. Martynov S.A., Samoilov D.V. Software-Hardware Complex for Automated Processing and Archivation of KORS 2.0 (Russia) | abstracts | report |

1.5.1. Vavilov V. Infrared Thermographic Nondestructive Testing of Composite Materials: Determining Thermal Properties, Detecting and Characterizing Hidden Defects (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.5.2. Caulier Y., Spinnler K., Arnold M., Posch A. Fusion of Two Illumination Techniques and Combination with One Data Processing Technique for Inspection Small Boreholes (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.3. Patitsa M., Pfeiffer H., Wevers M. Corrosion Prevention by Detection of Corrosive Liquids by Optical Fibre Sensors (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.4. Delannoy L., Shields S., Carr D. Menu-Directed Inspection Software to Increase Productivity of Gas Turbine Video Borescope Inspections (France, USA)
| abstracts | report |
1.5.5. Budadin O.N., Troitskiy-Markov T.E. Modern Complex Thermal Quality Control and Energy Efficiency of Construction and Industrial Objects Technologies (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.5.6. Kramer A., Schlichting J., Pulz R., Nies D., Rollig M., Redmer B., Maierhofer Ch., Krankenhagen R. Visualisation of Transport and Damage Processes in Different Materials by Laser Induced Active Thermography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.7. Kervalishvili G.N., Schlichting J., Maierhofer Ch., Kreutzbruck M. Heat Transfer Modelling of Local Thermal Excitation for Surface Crack Detection and Characterization (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.8. Piriou M. The Photothermal Camera Method – Technology Update and Recent Results (France) | abstracts | report |
1.5.9. Jones R.E., Simonetti F., Lowe M.J.S., Bradley I.P. Use of Microwaves for the Detection of Corrosion under Insulation (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.5.10. Krankenhagen R., Rollig M., Maierhofer Ch., Mecke R., Hofmann M., Schiller M., Kalisch U., Meinhardt-Degen J. Quantification of Damage Processeses at Surfaces and Interfaces of Building Structures Using Optical Methods and Active Thermography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.11. Mikulic D., Milovanovic B. TCi System for Non-Destructive Determination of Thermal Properties of Materials (Croatia) | abstracts | report |
1.5.12. Usik V.N. New Directions of Creation of Modern Endoscopic Systems (Belarus) | abstracts | |
1.5.13. Umar M.Z., Hamzah A.R., Vavilov V. An Experimental Study of Sub-Surface Defects Detection of Bakelite Using Active Mode Thermography (Malaysia, Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.5.14. Sargent J.P., Church S. A Compact, Portable Wet Paint Thermal Wave Thickness Monitor (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.5.15. Sfarra S., Bendada A., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Avdelidis N.P., Loutas T.H., Sotiriadis G., Kostopoulos V., Ambrosini D., Paoletti D., Maldague X. Experimental Comparison of Infrared Thermography, Holographic Interferometry and Acousto-Ultrasonics on a Complex Sandwich Structure Sample (Italy, Canada, Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.5.16. Von Chrzanowski L.S., Beckmann J., Ewert U., Schade U. Capability of Terahertz-Wave Instrumentation for Non-Destructive Testing of Liquids (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.17. Botsaris P.N., Tsanakas J.A. Infrared Thermography as an Estimator Technique of a Photovoltaic Module Performance via Operating Temperature Measurements (Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.5.18. Habib K. Failure of Thin Organic Films: Electromagnetic Versus Electronic Techniques (Kuwait) | abstracts | |
1.5.19. Laaidi N., Belattar S., Elballouti A. Thermal and Thermographical Modelling of the Rust Effect in Oil Conduits (Morocco) | abstracts | report |
1.5.20. Holtmann N., Spiessberger C., Gleiter A., Busse G. Feature-Extraction from Lockin-Thermography Phase-Images (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.21. Potapov A.I., Klopov V.D. Optical Non-Destructive Testing of Light Scattering Materials (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.5.22. Abramova E.V. Scientific Bases for Diagnostic Systems of Heat Control (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.5.23. Toporov V.I., Menshik B.S., Amirbayev T.R., Axelrod V.J., Tukeyev U.A. Features of Development and Application of Technologies of the Thermal Non-Destructive Testing in Republic Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) | abstracts | report |
1.5.24. Troitskiy V.A. Solutions Alternative to Traditional Techniques in Non-Destructive Testing of Welded Joints (Ukraine)
| abstracts | |
1.5.25. Potapov I.A., Makhov V.E. Study of Possibilities of Testing Systems on the Basis of Coherent Optical Methods under Digital Recording Methods (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.5.26. Potapov I.A. Hardware and Technological Features of Fiber-Optic Probes of Displacements (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.5.27. Storozhenko V., Meshkov S., Malyk S. Thermography in Ukraine: Ranges of Application and Results (Ukraine)
| abstracts | report |
1.5.28. Schlichting J., Kervalishvili G.N., Maierhofer Ch., Kramer A., Kreutzbruck M. Characterizing Cracks with Active Thermography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.5.29. Elballouti A., Belattar S., Laaidi N. Thermal Non-Destructive Characterization of the Spherical Defects in the Roadways (Maroc)
| abstracts | report |
1.5.30. Kim K., Kim D., Hong D., Yang S., Choi M., Chang H., Jung H., Lee C. A Study of the Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior According to the Load Change Using Infrared Thermography (Korea) | abstracts | |
1.5.31. Liu Y., Guo X., Guo G. A Comparison between 3D and 1D Numerical Simulation Models for Infrared Thermographic NDT (China) | abstracts | report |
1.5.32. Yang D., Yang Q., Li S., Liu Y., Wang D. Development of Laser Non-Contact Measurement for Turbine Blade Profile (China) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.6. PENETRANT AND LEAK TESTING Chairmen: Filinov M.V., Ivankov A.F., Sazhin S.G |

1.6.1. Dubosc P., Chemin P. Penetrant Testing and Year 2060 (France) | abstracts | report |
1.6.2. Wramstedt K., Filinov M.V. Modern Requirements for Penetrant Testing Means (Sweden, Russia) | abstracts | |
1.6.3. Migoun N.P. Penetrant Testing: Ability Extension and Sensitivity Evaluation (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.6.4. Mjasnikov V.Рњ., Sazhin S.G. Optimal Schemes and Methods of Detecting Places of Leak (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.6.5. Mjasnikov V.Рњ., Sazhin S.G. Research of Leak Detection Systems With Accumulative Membranes (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.6.6. Riess N., Ivankov A., Singayevskaya T. New Equipment for Mobile Penetrant Testing (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.6.7. Khrolova Рћ.R., Tavrizova Рњ.Рђ., Ponomareva Рћ.V., Komlev I.V. Penetrants with Cascade Luminescence in Luminescent Testing Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.6.8. Filinov M.V. Quantitative Estimation of Indicator Ability of Liquid Penetrants Using Pattern Analysis of Indications on Test Bodies (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.6.9. Ovchinnikov A.L., Lapshin B.M., Chekalin A.S. Estimation of Some Errors of Correlation Leakdetector and Ways of Their Reduction (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.6.10. KРѕstikov Р•.S., Mjasnikov V.Рњ., Sazhin S.G. Study and Development of Device for Localization of Leaks in Vacuum Systems (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.6.11. Sazhin S.G. Analysis of Modern Methods and Control Devices of Technological Installations Leakproofness and their Classification (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.6.12. Wu X., Xu J., Wang Y. Signal Processing Methods for Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing Based on Bispectrum (China) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.7. ACOUSTIC EMISSION Chairmen: Ivanov V.I., Kharebov V.G., Vahaviolos S.G., Shemyakin V.V. |

1.7.1. Kourousis D., Bollas K., Anastasopoulos A., Tsimogiannis A. Acoustic Emission Leak Detection of Buried Oil Pipelines, River and Road Crossings (Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.7.2. Anastasopoulos A., Kattis S., Tsimogiannis A. Fusion of Ndt Data from Modern Inspection Methods (Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.7.3. Ivanov V.I. The Prime Problems of Acoustic-Emission Diagnostics and Monitoring of Technical Devices and Constructions (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.4. Catty J. Acoustic Emission Testing of Buried Pressure Vessels. Implementation on a 16,000 m3 Gas Storage Unit, Composed of 4 Spherical Vessels of 4000 m3 Each (France) | abstracts | report |
1.7.5. Gemes G.A., Gereb J. Twenty Years of Experience in Acoustic-Emission Examination of Nuclear Power Plant’s Reactor Vessel (Hungary) | abstracts | |
1.7.6. Mazal P., Hort F., Vlasic F., Koula V. Identification of Propagation of Contact Damage of Rolling Bearings Using Acoustic Emission and Vibration Diagnostics (Czech Republic) | abstracts | |
1.7.7. Tscheliesnig P. Fatigue and Corrosion Monitoring by Means of Acoustic Emission (Ae) on Transport Products (Austria) | abstracts | report |
1.7.8. Shen G., Wu Zh. Study on Spectrum of Acoustic Emission Signals of Bridge Crane (China) | abstracts | report |
1.7.9. Catty J. Acoustic Emission Testing – Defining a New Standard of Acoustic Emission Testing for Pressure Vessels. Part 1: Quantitative and Comparative Performance Analysis of Zonal Location and Triangulation Location Methods (France) | abstracts | report |
1.7.10. Skalsky V.R., Serhiyenko O.M., Plakhtiy R.M. Acoustic Emission Diagnosing of Brittle Fracture in Structural Materials (Ukrain) | abstracts | report |
1.7.11. Kalicka M. Acoustic Emission Signal Propagation Through Welded Steel Bridge Joints (Switzerland) | abstracts | report |
1.7.12. Muraviev V.V. Diagnosing of Rolling Stock Details and Way Designs by Acoustic Emission Technique (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.13. Ovcharuk V.N. Acoustic Emission Signals Parameters Use Efficiency Considerations (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.14. Galanenko D., Zelinsky M., Sadilo A., Makats V. GALS-1 AE System Application for Hoisting Machines Diagnostics (Russia, Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.7.15. Panin S.V., Byakov A.V., Shakirov I.V., Grenke V.V., Poltaranin M.A., Lyubutin P.S., Kuzovlev M.S., Khizhnyak S.A., Bashkov O.V. Diagnostics of Deformation and Fracture Stages on the Basis of Acoustic Emission, Optical Microscopy Strain Gauging (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.16. Barat V.A., Alyakritskiy A., Bukatin A., Elizarov S., Rostovtsev M., Terentyev D. Automated Intelligent Methods for Acoustic Emission Testing Data Processing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.17. Tararaksin S.A., Manzhaj S.A., Medvedev A.N., Chudnov I.V., Bolshakov A.C. Technical State Monitoring of Hydraulic Systems Equipment Using Acoustics Emission Instrument (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.7.18. Nefedyev E. Structural Regularities of the Acoustic Emission Signal Generation in Steel (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.19. Pichkov S.N., Zakharov D.A., Shemyakin V.V. Acoustic Emission Signal Attenuation in the Waveguides Used in Underwater AE Testing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.20. Nefedyev E. Experience of Implementing the Method of Acoustic Emission Test Operation of Equipment AT the Static Fracture, Cyclic Fracture and Stress-Corrosion Cracking (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.21. Ovchinnikov A.L. Localization of AE Signals in Pipes with One-Sided Access (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.22. Kharebov V.G. Application of AE Method in Nuclear Power Industry (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.23. Bykov S.P. New Approaches in Acoustic Emission Signal Processing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.24. Gomera V.P., Portnov Рћ.V., Zotov K.V. Analysis of the Main Factors that Determine the Quality AE Testing Industrial Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.7.25. Petersen T.B., Shemyakin V.V. Acoustic Emission Diagnostics of Hazardous Dynamic Damages: Cracking, Leakage, Impact (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.7.26. Kozinkina A.I., Berezin A.V. Deformation Damage Diagnostics by Acoustic Emission Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.8. VIBRATION ANALYSIS Chairmen: Balitskiy F. Ya., Mitchell J.S., Zasetskiy D.V., Zusman G.V |

1.8.1. Mitchell J.S. From Vibration Measurements to Condition Based Maintenance (USA) | abstracts | |
1.8.2. Volkovas V. Modelling of Dynamics of Heterogeneous Systems and State Identification (Lithuania) | abstracts | report |
1.8.3. Zasetsky V.G., Tikhvinsky Рђ.N. Vibrodiagnostic Servicing of Gas Pumping Units in Compressor Stations of Gas Main Pipelines at the Level of Gas Transportation Company (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.4. Zusman G.V. Multipurpose Programmable Transducers for Vibration Testing of Rotor and Piston Units: Theory, Structure, Operational Experience (USA) | abstracts | |
1.8.5. Zhukov R.V., Davydov V.M., Grib V.V., Korolkov M.V. Application of Vibration Diagnostics in Evaluating Industrial Safety of Compressors (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.6. Balitsky F.Ya, Sokolova A.G. Application of Full Spectrums and other Vibration Two-Dimensional Characteristics for Gas Transportation Units Condition Monitoring (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.7. Kostyukov V.N. Vibrodiagnostic and Real-Time Condition Monitoring of Dangerous Plants (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.8. Naumenko A.P. Vibroacoustic Diagnostics and Real-Time Condition Monitoring of Reciprocating Machines (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.9. Konig T. Critical Machinery Vibration Condition Monitoring (Germany)
| abstracts | |
1.8.10. Eidukeviciute M., Volkovas V. Vibration Measurement Uncertainty and Diagnostics Reliability in Rotating Systems (Lithuania) | abstracts | report |
1.8.11. Corelli D. Vibration Wireless Sensors Technology (USA) | abstracts | |
1.8.12. Sokolova A.G. New Machinery Condition Monitoring Technique Based on Multidimensional Visualization of Vibration S-Discriminants (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.13. Bojko A., Sglunda R. Portable Vibration Diagnostics System A4900 (Chez Republic) | abstracts | |
1.8.14. Getmanov V.G. Implementation of Spectral-Temporal Analysis of Transient Vibration Signals for Mechanical Systems Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.15. Azovtsev A.Yu., Barkova N.A., Degterev S.G. Rolling Stock Vibration Diagnostics Experience on Russian Railways (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.16. Makhov V.E., Borisov E.G., Ivanov A.A., Patrakeev N.V. The Vibrouacoustic Noise Compensation by the Adaptive Digital Filter (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.17. Koehler B., Barth M., Windisch T. Experimental Characterization of Sensors for Elastic Guided Waves Based on 3D Laser Vibrometric Measurements and the Reciprocity Relation (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.8.18. Corelli D. Echoв„ў Wireless Vibration Sensors (USA) | abstracts | |
1.8.19. Ilgamov M.A., Sultanov B.Z., Tazhitdinov A.N., Khakimov A.G. Damage Diagnostics in a Vertical Bar Hanged on the Elastic Suspender with Concentrated Mass (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.20. Arbuzov J.A., Smirnov P.M., Zavyalov A.N., Okhotin S.S., Reshetov Рђ.Рђ. Vibration Diagnostic Control as the Component of the Control System of Professional Risks (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.21. Grib V.V. Modeling Change of Technical State of Mechanisms and Machines (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.22. Soury S. The Advantage of NDT in Cost Reduction and Prevention of Possible Integrity Damages of Rotor Turbine Parts (Iran) | abstracts | report |
1.8.23. Barkov A.V., Yacobson P.P. Corporate Systems for Machine and Equipment Condition Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.24. Shaternikov V.E., Belyaev P.V. Model of the Algorythms for Operating Actions and Models of the Processes in the Fuzzy Systems of Vibrodiagnostics Main Pump Units (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.25. Kozochkin M.P., Grigoriev S.N. On-Line Vibration-Based Diagnostics of the Production Process (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.8.26. Makhov V.E., Borisov E.G., Ivanov A.A., Patrakeev N.V. Theoretical and Experimental Validation of the Model of Radar Signal Reflected from Structures Containing Rotating Elements in Respect to the Problem of Remote Radio-Wave Vibro-Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.27. Makhov V.E., Borisov E.G., Makhova V.A. Complex Testing of Musical Instrument Quality by Various Probes Using Computer Technologies of National Instruments (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.28. Myntsiv A.A. Vibration Control and Diagnostics Systems Operation Experience (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.29. Sizarev V.D., Evropin S.V., Sokolova Рђ.G., Balitsky F.Ya., Ananiev V.D., Edunov L.V., Luschikov V.I. Combined Diagnostics of the Technical State of Movable Reflector (MR) of Research Reactor IBR-2 (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.8.30. Arbuzov J.A., Smirnov P.M., Zavyalov A.N., Okhotin S.S., Reshetov A.A. Method of Recognition of Arising Defects of the Machines, Based on Studying of Features of their Natural Frequencies (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.9. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Chairmen: Chakhlov S.V., Gorshkov V.A., Vainberg E.I., Vengrinovich V.L. |

1.9.1. Vengrinovich V.L., Zolotarev S.A. Iterative Industrial Tomography Intensified by Supercomputers (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
1.9.2. Vaynberg E.I., Vaynberg I.A., Tsyganov S.G., Sharov M.M. Experience of “INDINTRO” Company in Industrial X-Ray Tomography (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.9.3. Goebbels J., Hanke D., Meinel D., Staude A., Beck M., Burkert A. Computed Tomography – a New Tool Studying Hidden Corrosion (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.4. Reiter M., Heinzl C., Salaberger D., Kastner J., Weiss D. Study on Parameter Variation of an Industrial Computed Tomography Simulation Tool Concerning Dimensional Measurement Deviations (Austria, Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.5. Heinzl C., Kastner J., Groller E. Uncertainty Visualization of Computed Tomography Datasets from Complex Components Using Statistical Analysis (Austria) | abstracts | report |
1.9.6. Kuzelev N.R., Volchkov Yu.Р•. Development of Computer Tomography Methods for Technology Maturation in Nuclear Power Engineering and Industry (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.9.7. Liu T. Targeted Planar CT with ROI on the Side Surface of a Rectangular-Shaped Substrate (Singapore) | abstracts | |
1.9.8. Brunke O., Suppes A. Precise 3D Dimensional Metrology Using High Resolution X-Ray Computed Tomography (ВµCT) (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.9. Kastner J., Harrer B., Carl V., Traxler H. Computed Tomography and Pulsed Thermography of Carbon Reinforced Carbon/Copper Components for Thermonuclear Fusion (Germany, Austria)
| abstracts | report |
1.9.10. Ewers B., Kupsch A., Lange A., Hentschel M.P. Terahertz Spectral Imaging Techniques in NDT: Topography and Computed Tomography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.11. Staude A., Goebbels J., Ehrig K., Bartscher M., Koch M., Neuschaefer-Rube U. A New Test Piece for Geometry and Defect Measurements with Micro-CT (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.12. Bartscher M., Neukamm M., Koch M., Neuschaefer-Rube U., Staude A., Goebbels J., Ehrig K. Performance Assessment of Geometry Measurements with Micro-CT Using a Dismountable Work-Piece-Near Reference Standard (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.13. Sauerwein РЎ., Haemmerle V., Tiseanu I., Williams L., Gaspers R., Cern F. Mobile CT-System for In-Situ Inspection in the LHC at CERN (Switzeland, Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.14. Franco L., Martinez J.A., Tahoces P.G., Ameneiro R. An Own-Developed CT/DR System for Visualization and Defect Recognition in NDT (Spain) | abstracts | report |
1.9.15. Firsching M., Salamon M., Kessling P., Nachtrab F., Krumm M., Uhlmann N., Hanke R. Micro Structural Analysis of AlSi6Cu4 Using Quantitative Computed Tomography Methods (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.16. Harrer B., Degischer H.P., Kastner J. Microfocus Computed X-Ray Tomography of Segregations in High Strength Aluminium Alloys (Austria) | abstracts | report |
1.9.17. Kastner J., Kickinger R., Salaberger D. Structural Analysis of Polymeric Foams by Sub-Вµm X-Ray Computed Tomography (Austria) | abstracts | report |
1.9.18. Lange A., Hentschel M.P., Kupsch A. Enhanced Spatial Resolution Using Iterative Focal Desmearing in Computed Tomography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.19. Reinhart C., Poliwoda C., Guenther T. How Industrial Computer Tomography Accelerates Product Development in the Light Metal Casting and Injection Moulding Industry (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.20. Fuchs T., Schon T., Hanke R. A Translation-based Data Acquisition Scheme for Industrial Computed Tomography (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.21. Firsching M., Voland V., Burtzlaff S., Uhlmann N. Porosity Determination in Firn Ice Cores Using Quantitative Computed Tomography Methods (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.22. Beyer A., Stuke I., Brunke O. New Concept for Fast, Efficient and Economic Inspection of High Volume, High Mix Industrial Components Using Advanced High Speed Computed Tomography Systems (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.23. Geier G.F., Fritz L., Hadwiger M., Rosc J., Pabel T., Habe D., Pittino G., Schumacher P. Analysis and Exploration of Ct-data Using Application Specific Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions (Austria) | abstracts | report |
1.9.24. Kasperl S., Behrendt R., Damm B., Funk C., Hanke R., Hiller J., Krumm M., Neumann E., Rehbein A., Schmitt R., Sukowski F., Uhlmann N., Volk R., Warrikhoff A. Robust Roundness Measurements With Soft X-Rays (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.25. Frassati A., Rebuffel V., Moulin V. Design and Optimization of a Tomosynthesis System Using a Multiple X-Ray Source Based on Carbon Nanotubes (France) | abstracts | report |
1.9.26. Kerckhofs G., Pyka G., Loeckx D., Moesen M., Van Bael S., Schroo-ten J., Wevers M. The Combined Use of Micro-CT Imaging, In-Situ Loading and Non-Rigid Image Registration for 3D Experimental Local Strain Mapping on Porous Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffolds under Compressive Loading (Belgium) | abstracts | report |
1.9.27. Krumm M., Kasperl S., Franz M. Beam Hardening Correction of Multi-Material Objects (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.28. Oeckl S., Eberhorn M., Gruber R., Bauscher I., Wenzel T., Gondrom S., Rauch F. Process Integrated Inspection of Castings Using Three Dimensional Computerized Tomography (Germany)
| abstracts | report |
1.9.29. Samokrutov A.A., Shevaldykin V.G. A1550 Introvisor Application for Inspection of Laminated Plastics (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.9.30. Rosc J., Habe D., Geier G.F., Pabel T., Schumacher P. Method for the Evaluation of Automatic Porosity Detection for CT-Data (Austria) | abstracts | report |
1.9.31. Gorshkov V.A., Yumashev V.M. Non-Collimated Scattered Radiation Tomography (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.9.32. Redmer B., Ewert U., Radel C., Schnars U., Henrich R., Schimmelmann O., Bavendiek K., Jahn M. Gantry Gate Based X-Ray Computed Tomography in Aerospace Industry (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.9.33. Pabel T., Geier G.F., Habe D., Rosc J., Schumacher P. Correlation of Porosity Detected by Computed Tomography and Fatigue Strength of Aluminium Alloys (Austria) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.10. NDT OF TRANSPORT MEANS Chairmen: Martynov S.A., Grum J., Gurvich A.K., Turobov B.V., Pomerantsev D. |

1.10.1. Reinersmann J., Buschke P. Inspection Solutions for the Automotive Industry (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.10.2. Starman S., Matz V. Automated System for Magnetic Particle Inspection of Railway Wheels (Czech Republic) | abstracts | report |
1.10.3. Dominguez N., Ithurralde G. Ultra-Fast Ultrasonic Inspection for Aeronautical Composites Using Paintbrush Acquisitions and Data Processing on GPU (France) | abstracts | report |
1.10.4. Yesipov V.N. Railway Tracks Dislevelment Hydroacoustic Controls (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.5. Shin H.-J., Lee J.-R., Chia C.-C., Yoon D.-J. Ultrasonic Propagation Imaging for In-Situ Wind Turbine Blade Damage Visualization (Korea) | abstracts | report |
1.10.6. Kostyukov V.N., Boichenko S.N., Sinitsyn A.A. Real Time Condition Monitoring of Wheel Rolling Mill State (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.7. Kek T., Polajnar I., Grum J. Monitoring of Resistance Spot Welding by AE (Slovenia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.8. Sackenreuther H., Gerken C., Hansen W. Automated In-Production Rail-Axle Ultrasonic Test System (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.10.9. Budenkov G., Muraviev V.V., Strizhak V., Pryahin A., Balobanov E. Risedual Stresses Detection in Rolling Stock Wheelsets by Means of Electromagnetic Acoustic Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.10. Pitropakis I., Pfeiffer H., Wevers M. Impact Damage Detection in Composite Materials of Aircrafts by Optical Fibre Sensors (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.10.11. Lamarre A., Ouellet-Belanger E., Leclerc M. Ultrasonic Phased-Array and Eddy Current Array as Approved Methods for Aircraft Maintenance (Canada) | abstracts | |
1.10.12. Vopilkin Рђ.Kh., Kononov D.Рђ., Tikhonov D.S., Odynec S.Рђ., Tarabrin V.F. Automated Ultrasonic System for Rail Welds Inspection for All Metal Volume Using Only Rolling Railhead Surface (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.13. Brandis Рњ.P., Zaika S.I., Kalinin V.Рђ., Lonchak V.Рђ., Pertsev Рћ.Рў. Automated and Mechanized Diagnostic Systems for Railroad Rails (Moldova) | abstracts | |
1.10.14. Chia C.-C., Lee J.-R. Ultrasonic Energy Propagation Imaging of Composite Structures (Korea) | abstracts | report |
1.10.15. Sladojevic B. Ultrasonic Testing of Aluminothermic Welded Joints of Rail Tracks (Serbia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.16. Valavichyus V.T. Methodology of Computer Development of Use of Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnosing of Aircraft and Aviation Engines during Their Designing, Operation and Repair (Lithunia) | abstracts | |
1.10.17. Santos F. Detection of Water Inside CFRP/Honeycomb Structures by a Doppler-Radar Device (France) | abstracts | |
1.10.18. Lamarre A., Habermehl J., Ouellet-Belanger E. Ultrasonic Array Instrument for Composite Inspection during Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing (Canada) | abstracts | |
1.10.19. Dominguez N., Jenson F. Simulation Assisted POD of a High Frequency Eddy Current Inspection Procedure (France) | abstracts | report |
1.10.20. Novikov А.V., Khakimyanov R.R., Grigorovich V.V., Semerenko А.V. Study and Implementation of Technology of Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing of Spot Welding Quality of LADA Car Bodies of Sheet Steel in OJSC “AVTOVAZ” (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.21. Sosnitskaya T.A. Estimation of Non-Destructive Testing Aids Application for Railway Transport Stock Elements (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.22. Lopota V.A., Strekalov A.F., Vygonskiy V.I. Non-Destructive Quality Testing of Units and Elements of Constructions (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.23. Tarabrin V.F. Application of Satellite Global Positioning Technologies for Management of Track Infrastructure NDT/TD (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.24. Sirotkin O.S. Technological Aspects of Development of Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing in Spacecraft Production and Operation (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.25. Pogosyan M.A., Filatov A.A., Khizhnyak S.A. Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics – Basis of Aircraft Engineering Reliability (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.26. Khizhnyak S.A. Properties Diagnostics of Structures Made of Polymer and Composite Materials (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.27. Murashov V.V., Rumyantsev A.F. Diagnosis of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Constructional Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.28. Tarabrin V.F. Automated Rail Traffic Safety Diagnostic Complex “INTEGRAL” (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.29. Alekhin S.G., Bobrov V.T., Kozlov V.N., Samokrutov A.A., Shevaldykin V.G., Ivchenko V.V. EMA Testing of “PROTON” Rocket Hull Thickness (Russia)
| abstracts | report |
1.10.30. Klyuev Z.V., Shirman Рђ.R. Technology of Monitoring and Diagnostics of Rotor Machines Based on OneProd 01DB-Metravib System (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.31. Berger R. Quality Control with Shearography and 3D-Digitizing (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.10.32. Thompson J. A Progress Report on the Aims and Achievements of the European Forum of National Aerospace NDT Boards (USA) | abstracts | |
1.10.33. Papaelias M.Ph., Davis C., Roberts C., Blackley B., Lugg M. INTERAIL: Development of a Novel Integrated Inspection System for the Accurate Evaluation of the Structural Integrity of Rail Tracks – Implementation of the ACFM Rail Inspection Module (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
1.10.34. Boichenko S.N. Equipment Diagnostic Expert System (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.35. Kostyukov Al.V., Aristov V.P., Sizov C.V., Kostyukov V.N., Boichenko S.N., Zajcev A.V. On-Board Real-Time Condition Monitoring System of Electrical Train (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.36. Kostyukov Al.V., Aristov V.P., Sizov C.V., Kostyukov V.N. Complex Diagnostic System for Electric Trains (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.37. Markov Рђ.Рђ. State and Development Tasks of Methods and Means for 100% En-Route Testing of Rails (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.38. Zaika S.I., Lonchak V.Рђ., Marandich D.Рњ. Automation of Processing and Decoding of Results of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection in Rails (Moldova) | abstracts | |
1.10.39. Markov Рђ.Рђ., Kozyakov Рђ.B. Ways of Automation of Ultrasonic Testing of Rails during Their Reworking and Welding (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.10.40. Frantsev M.E. The Mode Used for the Estimation of the Technical Condition for the Boat Hull From Composite Materials for Exploitation (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.41. Dominguez N., Grellou O., Van-der-Veen S. Simulation of Ultrasonic NDT in Composite Stiffener Radius (France) | abstracts | report |
1.10.42. Jemec V., Grum J. Automated Non-Destructive Testing and Measurement Systems for Rails (Slovenia) | abstracts | report |
1.10.43. Uran M., Polajnar I., Grum J. Ultrasound Detection during Resistance Spot Welding (Slovenia) | abstracts | |
1.10.44. Peng C., Wang Li, Gao X., Wang Z., Zhao Q., Zhang Yu., Peng J., Yang K. Dynamic Wheel Set Defect Inspection by Applying Ultrasonic Technology (China) | abstracts | report |
1.10.45. Weilekes T., Horauf F., Martynov S.A. MiniLog2, Data logger, GPS switch and DCVG Measuring Unit in a Single Device (Germany, Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.11. NDT OF PIPELINES Chairmen: Barbian O., Detkov A.Yu., Klyuev Z.V., Kovalenko A.N., Zaritskiy S.P |

1.11.1. Falter S., Prause R., Unger S., Breidenbach C., Groos A., Lorenzen U., Koka A., Nitsche S., Schmelting J., Deegen K., Eufrasio E., Pawelletz R., Westeel P., Bisiaux B., Lesage F., Noel A. Practical Application of the Phased-Array Technology with Paint-Brush Evaluation for Seamless-Tube Testing (Germany, Brasil, France) | abstracts | report |
1.11.2. Kovalenko Рђ.N. Ways to Improve Sensitivity Threshold of Magnetic Passable Flaw Detectors during Detection of Stress Corrosion Cracks (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.3. Rigault S., Moles M. A New, Improved Pipeline AUT Girth Weld Inspection System (Canada) | abstracts | report |
1.11.4. Ruha M., Tanguy J., Ukkonen P., Tchilian J.M. Qualification Work for the Pre&In Service Ultrasonic Examination of Auxiliary and Secondary Piping Welds of Olkiluoto 3 Eprв„ў. Extension of Pre-Existing Qualification on Olkiluoto 1&2 Nuclear Power Plants (Finland, France) | abstracts | report |
1.11.5. Klyuev Z.V., Zharinov S.Р•. Acoustic Eye Technology Intended for Testing Pipes and Pipe Systems (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.6. Dubov An., Dubov Al. Magnetometric Diagnostics of Gas and Oil Pipelines (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.11.7. Hasting H.S., Dvoreckaja O., Gjerde P.E. Pipe Mill Offshore Pipeline Production NDT Systematics (Norway) | abstracts | |
1.11.8. Konnov V.V., Kuts I.А. Instrumental Complex “М1” for Contactless Diagnostics of Gas Pipelines (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.11.9. Potapov I.A. Communications System for Remote Diagnostics and Control of Corrosion of the State and Leakproofness of Pipeline (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.10. Tatsakovych N., Karpash O., Karpash M. New Method for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Impact Strength of Steel Pipelines (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
1.11.11. Miletski B. The Automatic Acoustic-Emission Testing of Pipes over their Hydrotests (Moldova) | abstracts | |
1.11.12. Golev V., Polevoy A., Shcherbakov O. System for Underwater Ultrasonic Testing of Trunk Pipelines “SKARUCH-UW1” (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.11.13. Passi G. High Speed Automatic Ultrasonic Inspection of Girth Welds for Off-Shore and On-Shore Pipelines Combining Phased Array, TOFD, and Conventional Pulse Echo Technologies (Izrael) | abstracts | |
1.11.14. Tkachenko A., Isaenko F., Kirijakov V., Raldugin A., Gavrev V. Immersion Multi-Element Inclined Combined Transducer for the Control of Welded Seams of Big Diameter Pipes during the Manufacture (Moldova) | abstracts | report |
1.11.15. Panin V.I., Smarjevsky I.V. Complete Contactless Testing of Bottom Sheets in Vertical Steel Tanks (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.16. Willems H., Jaskolla B., Sickinger T., Barbian O.A., Niese F. Advanced Possibilities for Corrosion Inspection of Gas Pipelines Using EMAT-Technology (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.11.17. Shleenkov Рђ.S., Bulychev Рћ.Рђ., Shleenkov S.Рђ. New Developments in the Field of Magnetic Testing of Steel Pipes Applied in Oil-and-Gas Industry (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.11.18. Usachev E.Yu., Tverdokhlebov V.N., Chakhlov S.V., Kokovkin A.V., Gnedin M.M., Shevchenko E.R. The Radiological Inspection of Tube to Tube Sheet Welding Joints. Problems and Decisions (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.19. Garland P.J. The Importance of Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection of Pipelines (South Africa) | abstracts | report |
1.11.20. Gharaibeh Y., Mudje P.J., Catton P., Sanderson R.M., Haig A.G. Developments in Long Range Ultrasonic Testing for Pipes Using Guided Waves for Enchanced Detection and Evaluation of Metal Loss Defects (United Kingdom) | abstracts | |
1.11.21. Klyuev Z.V., Zharinov S.Р•. Automatic Ultrasonic Testing of Weld Seams during Pipeline Construction (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.22. Konnov V.V. Complex Diagnostic Control of Branches of the Main Gas Pipelines (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.11.23. Tabakova B., Ivanova Y., Partalin T. Non-Destructive Ultrasonic Investigation of the Structure State of Steam Pipelines (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.11.24. Nikitina N. Acoustoelasticity – a New Perspective Method for Measuring of Stress in Engineering Materials (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.12. NDT IN POWER INDUSTRY Chairmen: Bukley A.A., Lunin V.P., Scherbinskiy V.G., Pak A.E |

1.12.1. Kuzelev N.R., Skachkov E.V. Nuclear-Physical Methods and Means of Analysis and Non-Destructive Testing for Nuclear Power Industry (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.12.2. Lunin V.P. Development of Electromagnetic Flaw Detection Methods Based on Solution of Inverse Problems during Testing of Nuclear Power Plant Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.12.3. Ramu A., Jabbar A., Dhanmeher N.K., Mali C.S., Roy N.K., Daniel V.S., Bhattacharjee S., Ramamurty U. Role of Weld Root Geometry – Backing Rings in Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC): Radiography Testing is an Alternate NDT Method for Detection – an Experience at Tarapur Atomic Power Station-1&2 (India) | abstracts | report |
1.12.4. Romero B., Rodriguez R., Romero E. Third Part Technical Support Experience on the Qualification of the Inspection Systems Used in the Spanish Nuclear Power Plants Project Developed by UNESA (Spain) | abstracts | report |
1.12.5. Trelinski M. Inspection of CANDU Reactor Fuel Channels (Canada) | abstracts | |
1.12.6. Yermakov Ye.L., Tivanova Рћ.V. Capabilities of the Method for Assessment of Deformation under Stress at Inspection of Nuclear Power Facilities (Kazakhstan) | abstracts | report |
1.12.7. Delannoy L., Gibson J., Koetz A. Computed Radiography Plus Rhythm Software Platform for FAC Inspection in Nuclear Secondary Circuit (France, USA) | abstracts | report |
1.12.8. Clossen M., Opheys M., Rauschenbach H., Siegel M. Advanced Ultrasonic Application for the Inspection of Turbine Components (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.12.9. Kim W., Park H., Choi M., Lee S., Lee B., Kim J. Detection of Piping Defects in Nuclear Plants by Ultrasonic Pulse-Phase Thermography (Korea)
| abstracts | report |
1.12.10. Cermak J., Chardome V., Cruysweegs E., Delaide M., Plateau M., Leemans F. Experience Gained From Mechanized Ultrasonic Testing (Belgium) | abstracts | report |
1.12.11. Zlobin N.N., Kositsin Р•.Рњ., Khoroshev V.N., Dekopov Рђ.S. Specialized Gamma-Ray Flaw Detector DAR-SE75BNR with Radiation Source SE-75 (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.12. Vogt T., Boynard C. Application of Guided Waves Method on the Inspection of Air-Coolers and Boiler Tubes – Practical Experience (United Kingdom, Portugal) | abstracts | |
1.12.13. Badalyan V.G., Samarin P.F. State and Perspectives Measuring Automated Ultrasonic Inspection of Nuclear Reactors Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.14. Dobrovolsky I.G., Trofimov Yu.I. Evaluation of Technical State Parameters of Electric Grid and Power Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.12.15. Santos F., Cardoso B., Furtado H., Almeida L.H. Combination of NDE Techniques and Strain Monitoring of a Steam Pipeline (Brazil) | abstracts | report |
1.12.16. Pajnic M., Markulin K., Matokovic A. Advanced Approach of Reactor Pressure Vessel In-Service Inspection (Croatia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.17. Singh S., De A.K., Awasthi C. Non-Destructive Examination Techniques for Quality Assurance and Reliability of Tube to Tube Sheet Weld Joint of Steam Generator for Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) (India) | abstracts | report |
1.12.18. Pajnic M., Franjic H., Smoljkic G., Jarnjak F., Vucajnk A. Advanced Approach of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Inspection and Repair of CRDM J-Weld (Croatia, Slovenia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.19. Pajnic M., Galosic S. System for Eddy Current Inspection of VVER-440/1000 SG’S Tubes (Croatia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.20. Kharebov V.G. Integrated Diagnostic Monitoring of Hazardous Production Facilities (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.21. Budadin O.N., Filipenko Ph.D., Troitskiy-Markov T.E. Thermal Non-Destructive Testing of the State of Pressure Vessels (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.22. Nashchekin Рђ.S., Shaternikov V.Р•. Monitoring of Nuclear Power Industry Facilities (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.12.23. Seong B.-S., Em V., Mikula P., Saroun J., Woo W., Kang M.-H., Chen J.-K., Shin E., Hong K.-P. Optimized Strain/Stress Diffractometer Equipped with Focusing Bent Perfect Crystal Monochromator Would Permit Some Kinetic Processes in Polycrystalline Materials (Korea, Czech Republic) | abstracts | report |
1.12.24. Remezov V.B. Magnetic Testing of Structural State of Vessels Operating under Pressure (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.25. Pyshchev F.N., Okuneva R.G., Bessmertnov E.V. Experience of Working out and Application of the Ultrasonic Control of Welded Connections From Two-Layer Steels in the Thickness from 60 to 250 mm (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.26. Prokhorov V.V., Volkov B.I., Bondari K.М. Automated Equipment “Lopatka-2” for Detection Cracks under Stellite Plates of Steam Turbine (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.27. Volkov B.I., Prokhorov V.V., Bondari K.Рњ. Prospects of Application of Automated Systems for Nondestructive Testing of Thermal Mechanical Equipment of Thermal Power Plants (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.28. Muraviev V.V., Korobeynikova O., Platunov A. The Influense of Interbal Stress and Structural State in Wires on the Basic Characteristics of Pohgammer's Waves (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.12.29. Pronjakin V.T., Sorokin Ju.V., Panchenko Ju.N., Vasilyev M.Ju., Ivanenko P.B. Ultrasonic Introscopy of Welded Joints for Nuclear Engineering (Russia) | abstracts | report |

1.13.1. Pilin B.P. Detection of Corrosion Damages in Vessels and Pipelined by Non-Destructive Methods (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.13.2. Bobrov V.Рђ. Reduction of Operational Risk of Vessels and Apparatus Intended for Application in Technological Installations of Chemical, Petrochemical and other Related Branches Using New Combined Non-Destructive Testing Methods and Means (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.13.3. Tkachenko A., Kopylov A. Interconnecting Methods of Nondestructive Testing Welded Tubes in the Stream of Manufacture (Moldova, Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.13.4. Ravnik F., Grum J. Crack Appearance Assessment by Emitted Sound during Steel Quenching (Slovenia) | abstracts | |
1.13.5. Azhazha V.M., Neklyudov I.M., Ozhigov L.S., Mozgovoy A.V. Integrated Control of the Base Metal and Welded Joints of NPP Equipment and Power Unit Pipelines (Ukraine) | abstracts | |
1.13.6. Semin Y.Y., Dolgikh A.P., Zadumin A.N. Calculation of Service’s Conditions of Wall of Vertical Cylindrical Tanks with Geometrical Defects (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.13.7. Paraev S.Рђ., Bobrov V.Рђ. Efficiency of Application of Acoustic-Emission Testing Method for Risk Evaluation during Expert Examination of Industrial Safety of Equipment of Petrochemical Production Facilities (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.13.8. Mogilner L.Y., Semin Y.Y. Calculation of Stress-Deformed State of Tank Wall Having Defects: New Inspection Requirements (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.13.9. Gaspariants R.S., Giller G.A., Mogilner L.Y., Semin Y.Y. Overall Inspection and Integrity Assessment of Oil and Oil Products Storage Tanks (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.13.10. Kuznetsov A.M., Bykov S.P., Khramenok M.A. The Results of Crude Refining Equipment Diagnostics and Their Analysis (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.13.11. Sanami M., Ardeshiri A. The Influence of Frequency on Ultrasonic Test of Nudular Cast Iron (Iran) | abstracts | report |
1.13.12. Bertoncini F., Raugi M., Turcu F. Application of Ultrasonic Guided Waves in the Field of Cryogenic Fluids (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.13.13. Kostyukov An.V. Resource-Saving Operation of Hazardous Enterprises Based on Real-Time Condition Monitoring (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.13.14. Malynka S.A. Industrial Flaw Detection of Metal Products at High Temperatures (Ukraine) | abstracts | |
1.13.15. Deriugin A.V., Iakunin V.I., Razuvaev I.V., Shiriaev A.M., Vustin V.V. Integrated Monitoring of the Refinery and Chemical Plants as the Toll for Proactive Maintenance (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.13.16. Molokanov S.Y., Volkov V.S. Reliability of Rolled Bars Ultrasonic Testing on the Automated Installation for Ultrasonic Testing Volna-7 (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 1.14. NDT CIVIL ENGINEERING Chairmen: Budadin O.N., Bakunov A.S., Viggenhauser H., Eremin K.I., Skatov N.P |

1.14.1. Bouhadjera A., Grimes M., Kemiha F. Testing of Fresh Concrete Using a Modified Version of the Prism Technique (Algeria) | abstracts | report |
1.14.2. Gorkunov E.S., Mitropolskaya S.Yu., Zadvorkin S.Рњ., Shershneva L.S., Vichuzhanin D.I., Tueva Р•.Рђ. The Resistance of Magnetic States of Structural Steels to External Effects (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.14.3. Dubov An., Kawka A., Jurashek J. Application of the Metal Magnetic Memory Method for Investigation and Analysis of Stressed States of Hoisting Mine Structure Bearing Rods (Russia, Poland) | abstracts | report |
1.14.4. Goncalves R., Junior M.G., Pinto G.A. Concrete Properties Determining by Ultrasound (Brazil) | abstracts | |
1.14.5. Schickert M., Hillger W. Automated Ultrasonic Scanning and Imaging System for Application at Civil Structures (Germany) | abstracts | report |
1.14.6. De la Hasa A., Samokrutov A.A., Silin V.V., Spirova I.V. Non-Destructive Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Ultrasonic Tomograph A1040 MIRA (USA, Russia) | abstracts | |
1.14.7. Korenska M., Matysik M., Manychova M. Nonlinear Ultrasonic Spectroscopy as a Tool to Evaluate Building Material Structure Damage (Czech Republic) | abstracts | report |
1.14.8. Moropoulou A., Kouloumbi N., Bakolas A., Karoglou M., Katsiotis N. Ground Penetrating Radar Application in the Case of the Neoclassic Building of the Greek Parliament in the Center of Athens (Greece) | abstracts | |
1.14.9. Haddad R., Ababneh A., Amawi H., Odeh R. Noninvasive Evaluation of Fire-Damaged Self-Compacting Concrete (Jordan) | abstracts | |
1.14.10. Sarpun I.H., Hersat S.B., Ozkan V., Tuncel S., Yildiz A. The Elastic Properties Determination of Volcanic Rocks by Using Ultrasonic Method (Turkey) | abstracts | report |
1.14.11. Gucunski N., Romero F., Kruschwitz S., Feldmann R., Rascoe C., Parvardeh Рќ. Multi-Modal Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridge Decks (USA) | abstracts | |
1.14.12. Koroglu M.A., Koken A. The Usability of Turkish Earthquake Resistant Steel Bar as a Shear Connector in Composite Structures (Turkey) | abstracts | report |
1.14.13. Cheboksarov D.V. Risk Control and Adjustment for Operated Buildings and Constructions (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.14.14. Aparicio S., Molero M., Segura I., Anaya J.J., Izquierdo M.A.G. A Wireless Monitoring System to Study the Setting and Hardening Processes of Cementitious Materials (Spain) | abstracts | report |
1.14.15. Van den Biggelaar A., Dijkstra F., Chougrani K. Modified Phased Array Concert for AUT of LNG Storage Tanks (Netherlands) | abstracts | report |
1.14.16. Luparno V.A.M., Pfister V., Tati A., Tundo A. A Statistical Study for the Correlation of Non-Destructive Testing and Destructive Testing on Structures in Concrete (Italy) | abstracts | report |
1.14.17. Yanbulatov F.I. Rational Design and Operation of Steel Trussed Rafters in Conditions of Aggressive Media (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.14.18. Khanukhov Kh.Рњ. Normative-Methodological and Software-Technical Support of Complex Monitoring of Technical State of Buildings and Construction of Hazardous Production Facilities (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.14.19. Labropoulos K., Katsiotis N., Xinopoulou E., Delegou A., Bakolas A., Moropoulou A. Diagnostic Study at the Acropolis of Sarantapicho and the Acropolis of Erimokastro, Rhodes (Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.14.20. Galeev R.M. How to Protect Hazardous Industrial Facilities against Corrosion (Russia) | abstracts | |
1.14.21. Kujawinska M., Dymny G., Malowany K., Siwek B. Hybrid Digital Image Correlation/Thermovision Method for Monitoring and Measurements of Displacement and Defects in Civil Engineering Structures (Poland) | abstracts | |
1.14.22. Konakov O.A. Long-Term Control over Service Life Indices of Metal Structures (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.14.23. Prassianakis I. Quality Control of Materials in Ancient Greece Using Non-Destructive Testing Methods (Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.14.24. Velev G., Markovski A., Andreev A., Velev B. New Devices and Means for Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Diagnostics of Facilities are Operating in Industry (Bulgaria) | abstracts | report |
1.14.25. Schabowicz K., Hola J., Stys D. The Ultrasonic Tomography Tests of Concrete in Foundation Slab (Poland) | abstracts | report |
1.14.26. Gorkunov E.S., Zadvorkin S.Рњ., Ulyanov Рђ.I., Mitropolskaya S.Yu., Subachev Yu.V. Magnetic Methods of Testing Elastic-Plastic Strain in Structural Powder Steels (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.14.27. Eremin K.I., Matveyushkin S.Рђ. Features of Examination and Nondestructive Testing of Metal Building Structures (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.14.28. Lutcenko G., Iurchenko A., Mishenko V. Review of “UKRRINDT” CJSC Achievements in the Field of Development of Systems for Automated Testing of Products Quality (Russia) | abstracts | report |
1.14.29. Tumendemberel B., Baigalimaa Ts. Research into the Correlation between Concrete Strenght and UPV Values (Mongolia) | abstracts | report |
1.14.30. Katsiotis N., Labropoulos K., Stavrou E., Karathanou K., Moropoulou A. The Case of Agia Agathi Retaining Wall Masonry from the Roman Period at Rhodes, Greece – the Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Searching out Original Routes at Agia Agathi Bay to Access Each End’s Mycenean Necropolis (Greece) | abstracts | report |
1.14.31. Ausheva J. The Objects of Historical Value – Non-Destructive Methods of Examination (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 2. ANTI-TERRORIST DIAGNOSTICS Chairmen: Kovalev A.V., Krstelj V., Pushkina I.Yu. |

2.1. Kovalev A.V., Kovalev A.A., Kekin A.G., Ivchenkov A.O. Capabilities of Multichannel Nano-Sensor Systems Designed for Explosives, Narcotics and Dangerous Substances Microquantities Detection (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.2. Minligareev V.Рў., Kirillov V.Рњ. Experimental Studies of Parwise Combination of Detection Methods for Sources of Ionizing Radiation (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.3. Swiderski W. Non-Destructive Testing of Composite Materials for Military Applications by IR Thermography Methods (Poland) | abstracts | report |
2.4. Kovalev Рђ.V., Matveev V.I., Fedchishin V.G. Search Equipment Based on Electromagnetic Radiation of Teraherz Band (Russia) | abstracts | report |
2.5. Zvizdic D., Bermanec L.G. Pressure Monitoring ND Safety Systems (Croatia) | abstracts | report |
2.6. Osterloh K., Ewert U., Krstelj V. EFNDT Working Group 5: Public Security and Safety NDT Technologies (Germany, Croatia) | abstracts | report |
2.7. Ivchenkov A.O., Kekin A.G., Ponomarev M.A., Studitsky A.S. Optoelectronic Surveillance and Inspection Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.8. Shimanovich O.V. Implementation of Russian Developments in Structures of Law-Enforcement Authorities of Ukraine (Ukraine) | abstracts | |
2.9. Gavrish Yu.N., Vahrushin I.Yu., Pavlenko A.V., Berdnikov Ya.A., Lebedev M.B., Usachev E.Yu., Peredery A.N., Safonov M.V., Romanov I.V. Radiometric System for Inspection of Large-Scale Vehicles and Cargos (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.10. Chigryay E.E. Main Directions in the Study and Design of Terahertz-Band Hardware (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.11. Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A. Method of Spectral Dynamics in THz and GHz Ranges of Frequencies for Problems of Counterterrorism (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.12. Kovalev A.A., Kovalev A.V. New Development of Instruments for Terrorism Fighting Based on Introscopy Technique (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.13. Arnali G., Baranov Рђ.V., Blokhin Р•.Рћ., Buklei Рђ.Рђ., Emelyanov Рњ.Р•., Parshin I.Рђ. Flaw Detector on the Basis of Pulse X-Ray Apparatus and Flat Detecting Panel of FlashScan 35 Type (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.14. Boller C., Kuo C.-M. Micro Aerial Vehicles and Robots as a Means for Non-Destructive Inspection (Germany) | abstracts | |
2.15. Borisov K.E., Burvikova Yu.N. “Electronic Nose” Multisensor System for Explosive Materials Detection (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.16. Dobmann G., Altpeter I., Sklarczyk C., Pinchuk R. Non-Destructive Testing with Micro- and Mm-Waves-Where we Are-Where we Go (Germany) | abstracts | report |
2.17. Kirillov V.M. Complexation of Three or More Methods of Radiant Sources Detection (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.18. Ananiev A.A., Belichenko S.G., Bogolyubov E.P., Bochkarev O.V., Petrov E.V., Polkanov Yu.G., Udaltsov A.Yu. Tagged Neutron Method for Detection of High Explosives (Russia) | abstracts | report |
2.19. Schetinkin S.A., Usachev E.Yu., Ametov V.I., Chumakov D.M. Dual Energy X-Ray Introscopes for Screening Baggage and Luggage of Air Passengers (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.20. Trusov Рђ. Instrumental Means on the Basis of NDT Methods for Solution of Problems of Enclosing Structures Testing (Russia) | abstracts | |
2.21. Bashev V. Main Results of Application of Instrumental Means of the Russian Production in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) | abstracts | |
SECTION 3. ECOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS Chairmen: Bobrov V.T., Osipov V.I., Rozlovenco S.G. |

3.1. Pereira A.H.A., Exposito C.C.D., Nascimento A.R.C., Rodrigues J.A. Influence of Water and Oil Absorption on the Damping and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity Characterization of a Refractory Castable (Brazil) | abstracts | |
3.2. Chernyavskiy G.M. Space Means of the Earth Monitoring (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.3. Klyuev V.V., Bobrov V.Рў. Problems of Improvement of Methods and Instrumental Support of Ecological Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.4. Verbov V.V., Gordeev S.K., Lakaev V.S., Polski O.G. Radiation Monitoring of Moscow (Russia) | abstracts | |
3.5. Voland V., Firsching M., Muller A., Mohr S., Schon T., Oeckl S., Schropfer S., Hess J., Habl M., Freitag J., Gruber R., Uhlmann N. Computed Tomography (CT) System for Automatic Analysis of Ice Cores (Germany) | abstracts | report |
3.6. Kabanov M.V. Optical-Ecological Monitoring (Russia) | abstracts | |
3.7. Nikolaev A.V., Malovichko A.A. Diagnostics of Earthquakes (Russia) | abstracts | |
3.8. Ivanov O.P., Artemiev B.V., Stepanov V.E., Danilovich A.S. Gamma-Imaging Systems for Ecological and Nuclear Environment Measurements (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.9. Lomaev G.V., Ryabov Yu.G., Vakhitov R.N., Kuleshova D.S., Kamalova Yu.B., Nemtyrev E.V. Local Pathogenig Geomagnetic Zones in Urbanized Environment: Problems of Detection, Calculation and Elimination (Russia) | abstracts | |
3.10. Shuifer Рњ.I. Method of Seismo-Acoustic Evaluation of Stability and Strength of Rocky Objects and Structures (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.11. Smurov A.V. Biological Methods of Ecological Diagnostics for Making Representative Predictions Related to Assessment of Stability in Ecosystem Processes and Environmental Quality for a Human Being (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.12. Popov A.A. Long-Term Forecast of Ecological Safety (Russia) | abstracts | |
3.13. Kinebas A.K., Polyakov V.E., Potapov I.A. Control of Quality Bottled Potable Water (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.14. Zakharov M.A. Testing of Cables with Insulation of Polyethylene (PE) and Cross-Linked Polyethylene (CLPE) (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.15. Kosygin А.B. Experience of Operation of Instruments for Leak Detection within Water Supply Network of МGUP “Mosvodokanal” (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.16. Potapov I.A., Sergeev S.S., Markov A.P., Kinebas A.K. Fiberoptic Testing of Water Opacity (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.17. Kondratiev Yu.Рђ., Aleev Рђ.P., Mironyuk D.Yu. Mobile Diagnostic Laboratory for Power Transformers and Switchgears (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.18. Potarin A.E., Nashchekin A.S. Interconnected Information System of Environment Ecological Monitoring for Industrial Enterprises (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.19. Porshe Рђ., Koltsov V.N., Khamzin Рђ.V. Laboratories for Power Cable Diagnostics (Germany, Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.20. Karabegov M.A., Sadagov Y.M. Control over Metal Content by a High-Sensitivity Nuclear-Absorbtion Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.21. Molokanov Рњ.V., Kovalenko V.P. Experience in Operation of Mobile Laboratories for High-Voltage Tests and Search for Damages in Power Cables of Moscow City (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.22. Sidelnikov L.G. Consulting of Industrial Enterprises in Diagnostics and Expert Examination of Technical State of Power Cable Lines (Russia) | abstracts | report |
3.23. Potapov V.N., Ivanov O.P., Ignatov S.M., Smirnov S.V., Stepanov V.E. Radiation Environment Control Based on Gamma-Locator Remote Measurements Data (Russia) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 4.1. RESIDUAL LIFE EVALUATION Chairmen: Vopilkin A.Kh., Mishakin V.V., Makhutov N.A., Konnov V.V. |

4.1.1. Gurvich А.K., Vopilkin А.Kh., Kazantsev А.G. Defects – Flaw Detection – Quantitative Flaw Detection – High-Risk Facilities Service Life (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.1.2. Klyuev V.V. Residual Resource Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.3. Toth L., Trampus P. The Roots of In-Service NDT Performance Requirements (Hungary) | abstracts | report |
4.1.4. Ghaemi M. Material, Structure and Hardness Testing of Cast-Iron Safety Parts by NDT Methods (Iran) | abstracts | report |
4.1.5. Semin Y.Y. Study of Stress-Deformed State in Dents Area on the Wall of Vertical Steel Tanks (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.6. Tahani M., Golmakani I. Static Analysis of Antisymmetric Cross-Ply Thick Laminated Plates Using a Layerwise Theory: the Levy-Type Solution (Iran) | abstracts | |
4.1.7. Carboni M., Cantini S. A New Approach for the Definition of “Probability of Detection” Curves (Italy) | abstracts | report |
4.1.8. Mishakin V.V., Mitenkov F.M., Pichkov S.N. Utilization of Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Assessment of Damage in Construction Materials at Early Stages of Destruction (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.1.9. Abbasi W.A., Rahman S., Metala M.J. NDE and Material Evaluation for Lifetime Assessment of Power Plant Components (USA) | abstracts | report |
4.1.10. Einav I. New Development for “Seen Invisible” (Canada) | abstracts | |
4.1.11. Smolina A., Pogorelov A. Test Method for Determining Internal Stresses in Material of Design by Magnetic Method (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
4.1.12. Serov A. The Problems of Automatic Data Processing at the Systems of Condition Monitoring of Industrial Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.13. Tamrazyan Рђ.G. Monitoring of Risk in Large-Span Construction (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.1.14. Schreiber J., Cikalova U. Assessment of Fatigue Damage and Residual Life Time by Fractal Analysis of the Deformation Structure (Germany) | abstracts | |
4.1.15. Sun Z., Kaucic R., Mendonca P., Can A. A Statistical Approach to Industrial Anomaly Detection (USA) | abstracts | report |
4.1.16. Nardoni G., Pushkina I.Yu. First Steps and Results of Work of the Academia NDT International (Italy, Russia) | abstracts | |
4.1.17. Hillger W., Szewieczek A. Impact Detection in a Composite Tail Boom Structure with Ultrasonic Imaging and Guided Waves Techniques (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.1.18. Bredif Ph., Plu J., Royer C., Poidevin C., Pouligny Ph. Rail Restoration Lifetime on High Speed Line (France) | abstracts | report |
4.1.19. Kazakevich M.L., Troitskiy V.A., Tischenko V.A. Elaboration of NDT, Repair and Defence Technology of Condenser’s TG K-1000-60/1500-2 (2M) Tube’s Metal of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
4.1.20. Matyuk V., Osipov A., Piunov V. Magnetic Measuring System (MMS), Special Features of the Design of its Transducer ant its Metrology Support (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
4.1.21. Dergachev A. Normative – Methodological Maintenance of Quality of Welded Designs (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.22. Dianov V.N. The Concept of Improving the Reliability of Nondestructive Testing Equipment (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.23. Sergiev B.P., Mustov V.V. Support of the Capital Equipment of Oil Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Complex Enterprises in Conditions of the Increased Inter-Repair Interval with the Help of Non Destroying Control Means (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.24. Klyuev V.V. Globalization of Safety on the Basis of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Technical Diagnostics (TD) (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.1.25. Deulin E.A., Pichuzhkin V.V., Savransky V.V., Tomilin V.A. Non-destructive Vacuum Mechanisms Failure Prediction System (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.1.26. Dobrovolsky I.G., Vlaznev I.A., Leontiev A.G. Robust Estimation of the Energy Equipment Residual Resource (Russia) | abstracts | |
SECTION 4.2. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION Chairmen: Bobrov V.T., Rozlovenco S.G., Murashov V.V |

4.2.1. Jasiuniene E., Raisutis R., Sliteris R., Mazeika L., Voleisis A., Vladisauskas A., Kazys R. Inspection of Complicated Composite Structures Using the Adapted Ultrasonic Techniques (Lithuania) | abstracts | |
4.2.2. Kazys R., Mazeika L., Raisutis R., Zukauskas E., Vladisauskas A., Sliteris R. Application of the Improved Air-Coupled Technique for Detection of the Back-Scattered Ultrasonic Guided Waves over Defected Regions of Composites (Lithuania) | abstracts | |
4.2.3. Heida J., Platenkamp J., Thuis B. Ultrasonic Inspection of Composite Aerospace Structures with Complex Geometry (Netherlands) | abstracts | |
4.2.4. De Odorico W., Maurer A. Advanced Acquisition and Evaluation Algorithms for Ultrasonic Testing of Complex Composite Structures (Germany) | abstracts | |
4.2.5. Zhou Z., Zhang H., Wei D. Application of Pulse Compression Technique in Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing on Composite Material (China) | abstracts | report |
4.2.6. Mikulic D., Gabrijel I., Bijelic N. Hydration of Cement Paste Monitored Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation (Croatia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.7. Hirsekorn S., Rabe J., Rabe U. Microstructure Characterization and Imaging in Titanium Alloys by Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.2.8. Dragan K., Gora G. Modern Approach for Composite Inspection in the Rotorcraft Industry and Rotorcraft Maintenance (Poland) | abstracts | report |
4.2.9. Tsamasphyros G., Kanderakis G., Vouthounis P., Prassianakis I. Application of the Bragg Grating Optical Sensors and Eddy Current Method for the Non Destructive Testing of Bonded Composite Repairs (Greece) | abstracts | report |
4.2.10. Kovarskaya E.Z., Moskovenko I.B. Utilization of Natural Oscillations Frequencies “NOF” in Non-Destructive Testing of Physical Mechanical Properties of Materials and Products (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.11. Roach D. Innovative Use of Adhesive Interface Characteristics to Non-Destructively Quantify the Strength of Bonded Joints (USA) | abstracts | report |
4.2.12. Gorkunov E.S., Povoltskaya Рђ.Рњ., Soloviev K.Р•., Zadvorkin S.Рњ. Impact of Plastic Strain and Its Concentration Zones on Magnetic Characteristics of Carbon Steel (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.13. Gorkunov E.S., Makarov Рђ.V., Zadvorkin S.Рњ., Osintseva Рђ.L., Mitropolskaya S.Yu., Soloviev K.Р•., Rashev C. Testing of Phase Composition, Hardness and Wear Resistance of High-Chromium Steels with Nitrogen and Carbon Content by Electromagnetic Methods (Russia, Bulgaria) | abstracts | report |
4.2.14. Makarov Рђ.V., Gorkunov E.S., Malygina I.Yu., Osintseva Рђ.L., Kolobylin Yu.M., Kogan L.Kh., Korshunov L.G. Eddy-Current Testing of Laser-Hardened Cemented Chrome-Nickel Steel for Drill Bits (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.15. Makhov V.E., Potapov A.I. Automatic System for Testing and Identification of Diamond (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.2.16. Karpash M., Dotsenko Y., Karpash O. New Methods for Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Steel Structures with Consideration of Its Microstructure (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
4.2.17. Vajpayee A., Russell D.E., Yu Y. Compensating for Variations in Material Properties in Remote Field Testing of Heat Exchanger and Boiler Tubes (Canada) | abstracts | |
4.2.18. Niederleithinger E., Stahler S., Nowak T.-R. Detection of Subtle Changes in Materials by Coda Wave Interferometry (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.2.19. Pyka G., Kerckhofs G., Van Bael S., Moesen M., Loeckx D., Schrooten J., Wevers M. Non-Destructive Characterisation of the Influence of Surface Modification on the Morphology and Mechancial Behaviour of Rapid Prototyped Ti6Al4V Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffolds (Belgium) | abstracts | report |
4.2.20. Mook G., Pohl J. Application of Lamb Waves and Impedance Spectroscopy for Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Materials (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.2.21. Matsevityi V.M., Bezlyudko G.Ya. Coercivity of Thermostrengthened Steel 14H17N2 After Forging and Repeated Loading (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
4.2.22. Maalej S., Lafhaj Z., Bouassida M. Micromechanical Assessment of Ultrasound Velocity in Entrained Air Cement Paste (France, Tunisia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.23. Solodov I., Doring D., Rheinfurth M., Busse G. Ultrasonic NDT of In-Plane Stiffness Anisotropy in Metals and Composites (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.2.24. Mishchenko S.V., Zhukov N.P., Mainikova N.F., Rogov I.V. Information-Measurement System of Nondestructive Control Thermophysical Properties and Structural Conversion in Polymer Materials (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.2.25. Kalkanis K., Tsamasphyros G., Papathanasiou Th., Kanderakis G. Numerical and Experimental Investigation for Optimum Placement of Dielectric Sensors to a Composite Patch Repaired Structure (Greece) | abstracts | report |
4.2.26. Karabutov A.A., Savateeva E.V., Zharinov A.N., Karabutov A.A. Jr., Filatov A.A., Khizhnyak S.A., Koshkin V.V. Contact Laser Ultrasonic Evaluation of Composites (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.27. Generalov A.S., Dalin M.A., Boychuk A.S. CFRP Inspection by Ultrasonic High-Frequency Pulse-Echo Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.28. Kren A.P., Rudnitsky V.A. Device and Method for Evaluation of the Rubbers Properties and Degradation (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
4.2.29. Doring J., Gaal M., Bartusch J., Brekow G., Kreutzbruck M. Airborne Ultrasound Investigations of Polypropylene Porous Film (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.2.30. Choi M., Jang S., Park J., Park H., Kim W. NDT on Response Characteristics of Compressive Strength in a Electronic Impact Hammer for Concrete (Korea) | abstracts | report |
4.2.31. Kren A.P. Application of the Single Impact Microindentation for Non-Destructive Testing of the Fracture Toughness of Nonmetallic and Polymeric Materials (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
4.2.32. Mohamed Mohamed A.E. Plutonium Rock-Like Oxide Fuel (Roxf). System, their Once-Through Burning and Usage (Egypt) | abstracts | |
4.2.33. Bashkatov I.G., Kalinin N.P. Quality and Reliability Assurance of Aerospace Equipment at OJSC “Perm Engine Co.” by Means of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.2.34. Basmanov M., Deulin E.A., Demikhov K. Turbomolecular Pump (TMP) Non-Destructive Failure Predicting System (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.2.35. Santos M., Amaro A., Santos J.B. Study of the Effects of Environmental Parameters and Impact in the Compressive Strength of Laminate Composites (Portugal) | abstracts | report |
4.2.36. Karabutov A.A., Podymova N.B., Kobeleva L.I., Chernyshova T.A. Measurement of Local Porosity of Particles Reinforced Composites with the Laser Optoacoustic Method (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.2.37. Zhang Y., Wang Z., Guo G. NDT of Aeronautical Materials by Digital Shearography (China) | abstracts | report |
SECTION 4.3. NANOTECHNOLOGIES Chairmen: Matveev V.I., Ananyan M.A., Migoun N.P., Klimenov V.A |

4.3.1. Opitz J., Hannstein I., Schreiber J., Lapina V. Chemically Activated Nanodiamonds as Nanoagents for SHM-Application: Protective and Smart Coating for Aluminum Alloys (Germany, Belarus) | abstracts | |
4.3.2. Klyuev V.V., Matveev V.I. Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnosis Aids of Nanoproducts (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.3. Asadchikov V.E., Kozhevnikov I.V., Roshchin B.S., Volkov Yu.O., Muslimov A.E. Investigation of Nanoscale Profile of Dielectric Surfaces with the Use of X-Ray Scattering Technique (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.4. Buller A.I., Moskalev J.A., Kuleshov V.K. Application of the Interference Research Technique of a Surface for Quality Assurance and Scintillation Crystals and Microelectronics Products (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.5. Indukaev K., Ignatyev P., Loparev A., Osipov P. MIM Laser Microscope as a New Insight into Nanomaterial Science (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.3.6. Klimenov V.A., Kapranov B.I., Chakhlov S.V., Belkin D.S., Sharkeev Yu.P., Kolobov Y.R. Visualization and Control of the Internal Structure of Nanocrystallic Titanium and Articles Thereof (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.7. Kovalchuk M.V., Kvardakov V.V. Synchrotron Emission for Non-Destructive Testing and Nanodiagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.3.8. Avdeeva D.K., Klubovich I.A. Results of Experimental Researches of Nanoelectrodes Metrological Characteristics for Measurement of Electric Fields of the Ground and Biopotentials of the Person (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.9. Artemiev V.M., Naumov A.O., Kokhan L.L. Simulation of Moving Microobjects on Dynamic Background and Its Trajectories Visualization (Belarus) | abstracts | report |
4.3.10. Todua P.A. Metrology and Standardization for Nanotechnologies (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.11. Mishchenko S.V., Melezhik A.V., D’yachkova T.P., Blohin A.N., Dorogobed P.A., Ifanov A.M., Tkachev A.G., Memetov N.R. Carbon Nanomaterials of the “Taunit” Series – Research and Applications (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.3.12. Teleshevsky V.I., Bogomolov A.V., Shulepov A.V., Sokolov V.A. Optoelectronic Methods of Geometrical Parameters Measurements with Micro- and Nanometric Resolution (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.13. Shklover V.Ya. Main Directions of Dynamic Three-Dimensional Analysis of Nano-Structures (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.3.14. Levin G. Nanophotonic Materials and Methods for Measuring their Characteristics (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.3.15. Deulin E.A., Bredikhin I.S., Petrosyan G.A. Nanolevel System of Non-Destructive Diagnosing of Arterial Pipe Lines (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.16. Molchanov S.P., Alfimov N.V. Application of Scanning Atomic-Forced Spectrometry for Nanophotonic Objects Examination (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.3.17. Useinov A., Gogolinsky K., Useinov S., Reshetov V., Soloviev V. Mechanical Testing Techniques: from Micro- to Nanometer Scales as Investigated with Scanning Nano-Hardness Tester “NANOSCAN-3D” (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.3.18. Bespalov A.V., Usachev E.Yu., Sigov A.C. Complex Approach to Solutions of Failure Analyze Submicron Semiconductor Devices (Russia) | abstracts | |
SECTION 4.4. TRANSDUCERS AND SENSORS Chairmen: Balitskiy F.I., Kazhys R.Yu., Lebedev M.B. |

4.4.1. Poguet J., Fleury G., Ciorau P. Special Phased Array Ultrasonic Probes Performances Used Within Ontario Power Generation Inspections (Canada) | abstracts | |
4.4.2. Kapranov B.I., Mudrov M.A. Research of the Spatio-Temporal Descriptions Detector with Pin Hole Collimator of the Back Scattering Radiation (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.4.3. Zakamov V.R., Shashkin V.I. Uncooled Planar Receivers Based on Semiconductor Devices for Millimeter-Wave Vision Systems (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.4.4. Rigmant Рњ.B., Nichipuruk Рђ.P. Multi-Component Probe of Hall Type for Measurement of Ferromagnetic A- and A'-Phases in Austenitic Steels (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.4.5. Grimberg R., Savin A., Steigmann R., Comisu C.-C. GPR – Electromagnetic Sensor Array Data Fusion (Romania) | abstracts | report |
4.4.6. Buckley J., Berry T., Marshall T. Novel Applications of Wheel-Coupled Array Transducers (England) | abstracts | |
4.4.7. Deulin E.A., Skrylev A.V. Sensor of Non-Destructive Estimation of Surfases State in Vacuum (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.4.8. Ruch V., Wilm M., Walter S., Fleury G., Poguet S., Dumas Ph., Casula O. Recent Improvements and Industrialisation of Ultrasonic 1D and 2D Flexible Arrays for NDT (France) | abstracts | |
4.4.9. Isaenko F., Kalyukin G. Calculation and Designing of Universal TransduСЃers for the Ultrasonic Control of Welded Joint Connections of Polyethylene Pipes (Moldova) | abstracts | report |
4.4.10. Vinogradov S.A., Leonard J. Development of Magnetostrictive Sensor Technology for Guided Wave Examinations of Piping and Tubing (USA) | abstracts | report |
4.4.11. Zelenskiy V.A., Shaternikov S.V., Voytsekhovskaya E.A. Technogenic Analyzer Multiplex System Based on Fiber-Optic Sensors (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.4.12. Klyushev A.V., Kirpichev A.A., Gorshkov E.P., Shkatov P.N. Methods of Improvement of Specifications of Single-Winding Eddy Current Displacement Transducers for Conducting Objects (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.4.13. Golubyatnikov I.V., Kirpichev A.A., Redushev A.A., Tsyplenkov A.N. Vibration Transducers with Built-in Electronics with C Temperature Compensation and Self-Testing (Russia) | abstracts | |
SECTION 4.5. MODELLING AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION Chairmen: Lunin V.P., Vengrinovich V.L., Benoist P., Ruediger G. |

4.5.1. Muller B.R., Lange A., Harwardt M., Hentschel M.P., Tilgner R., Alpern P. Visualization of Package Induced Deformation of Integrated Circuits (Germiny) | abstracts | report |
4.5.2. Zhao F., Mendonca P., Kaucic R. Minkowski-Functional Based Approach to Defect Detection (USA) | abstracts | report |
4.5.3. Lhemery A., Jezzine K., Baronian V., Mahaut S. Simulation Tools for Ultrasonic Guided Wave Inspection Methods (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.4. Bazylev P.V., Kondratjev A.I., Lugovoy V.A. Original Installation for Complex Measurement of Acoustic Parameters in Condensed Media (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.5.5. Mazeika L., Kazys R., Sliteris R., Raisutis R., Vladisauskas A. Application of Physical Scaled Models for Development of Ultrasonic Long Range NDT Techniques for Inspection of Large Objects (Lithuania) | abstracts | |
4.5.6. Bettayeb F. The Purpose of Multiscale Modelling for Advanced NDT Methods (Algeria) | abstracts | |
4.5.7. Baranov V.A., Ewert U. Statistical Group-Theoretical Methods of Image Processing for Non-Destructive Testing (Russia, Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.5.8. Deresch A., Jaenisch G.-R., Bellon C., Warrikhoff A. Optimization of X-Ray Sources by Modeling (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.5.9. Bisiaux B., Deneuville F., Nourrit N. On Line Analysis and Interpretation of Ultrasonic Images to Improve the Selectivity of the Control Installations for Steel Pipes (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.10. Tabatabaeipour S.M., Honarvar F., Sinclair A.N. Application of Signal Processing Techniques to Ultrasonic Testing of Austenitic Welds (Iran, Canada) | abstracts | report |
4.5.11. Bettayeb F. Dual Filtering Based Time Frequency Method for Ultrasonic Material Evaluation (Algeria) | abstracts | |
4.5.12. Sirbu V.N. Correction of the Maximum Position during the Processing of a Digitized Signal (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.5.13. Mahaut S., Leymarie N., Fouquet T., Dupond O., Bonnet-Ben Dhia A.-S., Joly P., Collino F., Foucher F. Simulation of Complex Ultrasonic NDT Cases Using Coupled Analytical-Numerical Method: The Mohycan Project (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.14. Schumm A., Duvauchelle P., Giot J., Tabary J., Fernandez R., Mistral Q., Kaftandjian V. Scatter Calculations in Radiographic Modelling (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.15. Andreev V.V., Stolyarov A.A., Vasutin M.S. Nondestructive Inspection Technique of Dielectric Films in Metal-Oxide-Semicondactor Structure (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.5.16. Moll J., Fritzen C.-P. Time-Varying Inverse Filtering for High Resolution Imaging with Ultrasonic Guided Waves (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.5.17. Menner P., Schmitz P., Gerhard H., Busse G. Lockin-Speckle-Interferometry with Modulated Optical and Inductive Excitation (Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.5.18. Paillard S., Yakovleva E., Chatillon S., Calmon P. New Ultrasonic Array Imaging of Crack-Type Defects Based on Simulation-Helped Processing (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.19. Baranov V.A., Ewert U. Structure-Oriented Algorithms of Vizualization of Zones of Crack Formation in Welding (Russia, Germany) | abstracts | report |
4.5.20. Dubois P., Lonne S., Mahaut S. Simulation of Ultrasonic, Eddy Current and Radiographic Techniques with the Civa Software Platform (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.21. Osman A., Kaftandjian V., Hassler U. Use of Data Fusion Theory for Improving Reliability of X-Ray Castings Inspection (Germany, France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.22. Jenson F., Mahaut S., Calmon P., Poidevin C. Simulation Based Pod Evaluation of NDI Techniques (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.23. Mayos M., Sollier T., Lambert M., Gilles-Pascaud C., Moreau O., Dessendre M., Deneuville F., Reboud C., Foucher F., Mistral Q., Debroise M. Multi-Domain Industrial Benchmarks for Eddy Current Modelling: The Cofrend Working Group (France) | abstracts | report |
4.5.24. Grimberg R., Savin A., Steigmann R., Curtu I., Barsanescu P.D., Grum J. Ultrasound and Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluation of CFRP – Correlation with Mechanical Properties of the Composites (Romania, Slovenia)
| abstracts | report |
4.5.25. Abbakumov K.E. Problem of Modelling of Properties of Heterogeneities of Solid Mediums. Results and Prospects (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.5.26. Dos Santos S., Amami S., Vejvodova S., Prevorovsky Z., Jangpyeong-Ri, Shinhyeon-Eup, Geoje-Si, Gyeongsangnam-Do. Symmetry Analysis Signal Processing for Local Nonlinear Scatterers Signature of Complex Materials Structural Integrity (France, Korea, Czech Republic) | abstracts | report |
4.5.27. Santos J.B., Silva J.S., Antunes S.G. Implicit Active Contours Applied to the Fetal Echocardiographic Images Segmentation: a Comparative Study (Portugal) | abstracts | report |
4.5.28. Korshakov A.V., Frolov A.A., Bobrov P.D. On-Line Automatic Suppression of Artifacts in Multi-Dimensional Signals Using ICA (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.5.29. Korshakov A.V. The Overview of On-Line Speech Processing Algorithms for Speaker Identification Systems (Russia) | abstracts | report |
4.5.30. Mackhova V.A., Mackhov V.E. Quality Testing of Block Flutes Using National Instruments Technologies (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.5.31. Golubyatnikov I.V., Shaternikov V.E., Klyuev S.V. Development of Combined Methods for Nondestructive Testing and Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.5.32. Schetinkin S.A., Chakhlov S.V., Usachev E.Yu. Application of Dual-Energy Digital Radiography for Portable X-Ray Television Systems (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.5.33. Remesov V.B. Graphic Presentation Acoustic and Electromagnetic Fields Exciting by Electromagnetic – Acoustic (EMA) Method (Russia) | abstracts | |
4.5.34. Klyuev S.V. Application of Transit Thermal Processes for Eddy-Current Thermal Flaw Detection and Determination of Physic-Mechanical Parameters of Articles with Complex Structure (Russia) | abstracts | |
SECTION 5.1. CERTIFICATION, QUALIFICATION, TRAINING OF PERSONNEL Chairmen: Biryukova N.P., Volkova N.N., Batov G.P., Kaps U., Thompson J. |

5.1.1. Biryukova N.P., Abramova Р•.V., Batov G.P. Thermal Testing within the System Securing Industrial Safety and Energy Efficiency of Industrial Facilities and Housing and Public Utilities Sector. Experience in Personnel Certification under Russian and European Standards 4.1 (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.1.2. Marinho C.A., Rabello J.M.B., Aiub M., Iguchi E., Lopes R.T., Oliveira D.F., Silva A.S.S., Castro L., Ferreira L., Santos S., Milani H., Freitas N. Computed Radiography Technique for Weld Inspection: the Process of Qualification and Validation of Inspection Procedures in Brazil (Brazil) | abstracts | report |
5.1.3. Desprez D., Dikstra B., McNeil C., Kurdi J. RSE-M Qualification of an Ultrasonic Inspection System for the Examination of Primary Pipe Branch Nozzles Inner Surface (France, United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
5.1.4. Azizova E.A. Harmonization of the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) System in Uzbekistan with Requirements of International Standards (Uzbekistan) | abstracts | report |
5.1.5. Dunhill A., Wooldridge A.B. The Advantages and Limitations of Linking Industrial Needs with Academic Research (United Kingdom) | abstracts | |
5.1.6. Klimenov V.A., Kruning M., Kapranov B.I., Kuleshov V.K., Arnold W., Shumikhin V.F., Alkhimov Y.V., Tolmachev I.I., Oglezneva L.A., Efimov P.V. Forming of Research and Education Environment of World Level in the Field of Non-Destructive Testing on the Base of the Centre for Advanced Training of NDT Experts in Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.1.7. Kotelnikov V.S., Konovalov N.N., Shevchenko V.P. Competency Confirmation of Conformity Evaluating Bodies in the Field of Nondestructive Testing at Hazardous Production Facilities (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.8. Kapranov B.I., Klimenov V.A., Kuleshov V.K., Mudrov M.A., Shumikhin V.F. Statistics of NDT Specialists Certification in Siberian Region (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.9. Chardome V., Cruysweegs E., Cermak J., Delaide M., Plateau M., Leemans F. Qualification of Advanced Ultrasonic Testing According to Various Guidelines (Belgium) | abstracts | report |
5.1.10. Volkova N., Mullin A., Lagutina S. Russian and International Approach to Creation of Industrial Sectors for NDT Personnel Certification (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.11. Gilbert D.J. NDT Life – How the Internet is Changing it (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
5.1.12. Panin V.I. Features of Certifying Specialists in Non-Destructive Testing within the Limits of Large, but Underpopulated Territory (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.1.13. Rad’ko V.I. Ukrainian NDT Personnel Qualification Evaluation Systems (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.14. Popoudina S.Рђ., Polzikova V.S. Improvement of Product Quality through Evaluation of NDT Personnel Competence in the Republic of Belarus (Belarus) | abstracts | |
5.1.15. Biryukova N.P. Experience of Work within the “System of Voluntary Certification of Personnel in the Field of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics of RSNDTTD” (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.1.16. Deutsch A.K.W., Maxam K., Razeng M., Kierspel S. Ultrasonic Steel Cleanliness Inspection According to SEP 1927 Based on the ECHOGRAPH 1093 (Germany) | abstracts | report |
5.1.17. Gallagher M.E. An Integrated Education Programme for NDT Professionals (United Kingdom) | abstracts | report |
5.1.18. Ullah S. Present Status of NDT Applications and Qualification & Certification of NDT Personnel in Bangladesh (Bangladesh) | abstracts | report |
5.1.19. Genis V., Lewin P.A., Berger W.A. NDE Education and Training for Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs (USA) | abstracts | report |
5.1.20. Belokur I.P., Gordonna Y.O. Management of Personnel Professional Actifities on Non-Destructive Testing (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
5.1.21. Einav I. Education, Training, Certification, how to Be Succesfull (Canada) | abstracts | report |
5.1.22. Shaternikov V.E., Didin G.A., Filinov A.V., Arakelov P.G. Hardware-Software Complex “Training Apparatus of the Operator of Devices of Non-Destructive Testing” (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.23. Kolokolnikov S., Dubov An. Training of Experts in the Field of Technical Diagnostics (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.24. Muraviev V.V. Certification of Specialists on Non-Destructive Testing of Objects Railway Transport in the Izhevsk State Technical University (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.1.25. Sillanpaa J., Packalen T., Ukkonen P. Qualification of Inservice Inspections in Finland (Finland) | abstracts | |
5.1.26. Mammadov S. NDT in Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) | | report |
SECTION 5.2. STANDARDIZATION Chairmen: Muravskaya N.P., Uglov A.L., Mullin A.V. |

5.2.1. Jobst M., Koetz A., Clendening S. The Value of Diconde in Multi-Modal Ndt Environments (Germany, Usa) | abstracts | report |
5.2.2. Pokasov I.M., Pokasov U.I. Comparative Analysis of Normative Documents (Kazakhstan) | abstracts | |
5.2.3. Danilin N.S. The Role of Non-Destructive Testing Methods (NDTM) in Harmonization of Space Electronic Components Basis Test Operations in Russian Federation and Western Europe (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.2.4. Dubov An., Uglov A.L. Standardization Experience of the TC-132 Committee in the Field of Technical Diagnostics, Stress Control and Lifetime Assessment (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.2.5. Ryabov A.A. Treatment of Topical Problems of Modern Supervision and Industrial Safety in Portal (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.2.6. Bobrov V.Т., Kozlov V.N., Bobrenko V.М., Gul’shin А.V., Maiorov G.N., Uglov А.L. GOST R 52889–2007 “Nondestructive Testing. Acoustic Method for Testing Tightening Force of Threaded Joints. General Requirements” (Russia) | abstracts | |
SECTION 5.3. NDT METROLOGY Chairmen: Babadjanov H.S., Mullin A.V., Muravskaya N.P., Birukova N.P |

5.3.1. Babadjanov L.S., Babadjanova M.L. Coating Thickness Measures for Verification of Thickness Meters (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.3.2. Kozlov V.N. Main Metrological Parameters of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector with Tomographic Mode (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.3.3. Lisitsin V.I., Shelikhov G.S., Glazkov Yu.Рђ. Features of Calibrating Measuring Systems of Magnetic Particle Flaw Detectors (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.3.4. Zamikhovskiy L., Rovinskiy V., Shtayer L. Theoretical and Experimental Basis of Test Signal Parameter Decision in the Leak Detection and Location System (Ukraine) | abstracts | |
5.3.5. Bazulin A.E., Bazulin E.G. Automated System for Quick Ultrasonic Transducers Calibration (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.3.6. Klymenko S.M., Malaychyk V.P., Mozgovoy A.V. Non-Standard Spesimens Ultrasound Defectoscopy of Pipes (Ukraine) | abstracts | report |
5.3.7. Gurvich Рђ.K., Kuzmina L.I., Nikolaev S.V. Thermal Stability of Parameters of Piezoelectric Transducers as Factor Defining Reproducibility and Trustworthiness of Ultrasonic Testing Results (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.3.8. Gurvich А.K., Akhmetova А.А. Ultrasonic “Gauges” Based on Mirror-Shadow Method for Testing Articles with Equidistant Surfaces (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.3.9. Muravskaya N.P. Metrological Aspects of Non-Destructive Testing (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.3.10. Hajek K., Bajer J., Sikula S. Detailed Analysis of Impact-Echo Signals of Specimens with Nonlinear Effects (Czech Republic) | abstracts | report |
5.3.11. Arkhipov V.I., Bazylev P.V., Lugovoy V.A. Reference Complex for Metrological Ensuring of Ultrasonic Measurements in Solid Media (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.3.12. Ivanov V.I. On the Way from Defectoscopy to Defectometry (Russia) | abstracts | |
5.3.13. Babadjanov L.S., Babadjanova M.L. Certification of Samples for Nondestructive Testing (Russia) | abstracts | report |
5.3.14. Panin V.I., Shulatov Рђ.V. Modified Calibration Block of V-2 Type (Russia) | abstracts | |

1. Vukelich S.I., Kropas-Hughes C. NDE Reliability Workshop (USA) | abstracts | |
2. Rummel W.D. Nondestructive Inspection Reliability (USA) | abstracts | |
3. Kramb V., Olding R., Sebastian J. Automated Dimensioning and Ultrasonic Inspection Capability within the TESI Robotic Inspection System (USA) | abstracts | |
4. Boiy L., Cuscino R. Computed Radiography – the New “Film” Why Make the Switch? (Belgium, USA) | abstracts | |
5. Boiy L., Telesz S., Mills R., Portaz J. Navigating Standards to Aid in the Selection of Blade Inspection Systems (Belgium, USA) | abstracts | report |