Издательский дом СПЕКТР

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Nondestructive testing: Handbook: In 8 volumes / Еdited by V.V. Klyuev / Volume 2

nt_02 Klyuev V.V., Evlampiev A.I., Ippolitov I.I. and others. Ecological testing.

ISBN 978-5-904270-11-7 (vol. 2)
ISBN 978-5-904270-01-8

М.: Publishing house Spektr, 2010. - 458 p.: fig. Hc, 70x100 1/16, 560 gr

Цена: 3300 руб (доставка почтой не включена в цену)


The new edition of "Ecological testing" is one of the most important parts of the multivolume handbook "Safety of Russia" and it is relevant since after the year 2000 fundamental changes took place in the area of ecological safety. Problems of further rapid development of ecological diagnostics methods and means emerged to prominence, which is considered in the new edition.
To our deep regret a number of authors (Filinov V.N., Kovalsky V.N., Sosnin F.R., Obraztsov I.F.) in the lead of RAS academician Frolov K.V. are no longer with us, but materials of their first edition still did not lose its relevance and remain unchanged. I hope that the reedition of "Ecological testing" will be interesting for anyone who is dealing with ecological safety issues and will be used in the course of work of 10th European conference on nondestructive testing which is to take place in Moscow, from 7th till 11th 2010 and also for educational purposes for students and retraining.


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