Издательский дом СПЕКТР

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A quick guide to pipeline engineering

Alkazraji D.

004 ISBN 1 84569 490 2
ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 490 6
March 2008
176 pages 170 x 112 mm paperback

Цена: договорная


Pipeline engineering requires an understanding of a wide range of topics. Operators must take into account numerous pipeline codes and standards, calculation approaches, and reference materials in order to make accurate and informed decisions.

A Quick Guide to Pipeline Engineering provides concise, easy-to-use, and accessible information on onshore and offshore pipeline engineering. Topics covered include: design; construction; testing; operation and maintenance; and decommissioning.

Basic principles are discussed and clear guidance on regulations is provided, in a way that will prove useful to both engineers and students.

Contents ...


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