Издательский дом СПЕКТР

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Alkazraji D. A quick guide to pipeline engineering


Principles of pipeline design
 - Effect on the environment
 - Routing
 - Approval and legal considerations

Design approach
 - Factors that influence the length of a pipeline
 - Choosing a wall thickness for the pipeline
 - Choosing an appropriate material grade for the pipeline
 - Toughness
 - Operational pressure
 - Temperature effects
 - Surge
 - Pipeline coating
 - Pipeline protection

Pipeline construction and risk assessment techniques
 - Pipeline manufacturing methods
 - Land preparation, excavation and pipe stringing
 - Corrosion protection
 - Pipeline codes and standards
 - Risk assessment techniques
 - Quantitative risk assessment
 - Qualitative risk assessment

Pressure testing and commissioning
 - Pressure testing
 - Commissioning

Pipeline operation
 - Magnetic inspection
 - Ultrasonic inspection
 - Geometric tools
 - In-service defects and corrosion mechanisms

Pipeline maintenance
 - Assessment of internal and external corrosion features
 - Assessing dents/profile distortions
 - Significance of manufacturing and construction defects

Pipeline condition monitoring and repair methods
 - Pearson survey
 - CIPPS survey
 - DCVG survey
 - Repair techniques

Pipeline decommissioning and industry developments
 - Pipeline decommissioning
 - Pipeline industry developments



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