Издательский дом СПЕКТР

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High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometry And Topography. By D.K. Bowen, Brian K Tanner


ISBN: 978-0-85066-758-5
Binding: Hardback
Published by: CRC Press
Publication Date: 05/02/1998
Pages: 264
Trim Size: 7 x 10

Цена: договорная


The study and application of electronic materials has created an increasing demand for sophisticated and reliable techniques for examining and characterizing these materials. This comprehensive book looks at the area of x-ray diffraction and the modern techniques available for deployment in research, development, and production. It provides the theoretical and practical background for applying these techniques in scientific and industrial materials characterization. The main aim of the book is to map the theoretical and practical background necessary to the study of single crystal materials by means of high-resolution x-ray diffraction and topography. It combines mathematical formalisms with graphical explanations and hands-on practical advice for interpreting data.

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